My Word of the Year: Heal

I really wanted a safe choice for my word of the year in 2022. Almost opted out of picking a word at all. However, starting in early December this word kept working its way into my thoughts. In a way, I guess it’s a safe choice. However, I also find it a scary choice.

As I sit working on this post in 2021 with 2 weeks to go until Christmas (wanting to get these thoughts down before I forget them), the logical side of my brain is telling me that no, this isn’t a great choice. Healing is hard and will take work. Next fall (let’s jump way in the future, of course!) J starts his senior year and I should be enjoying all that, not working away at healing.

My Word of the Year: Heal

And full disclosure, perhaps a little superstition went into choosing my word of the year as well. I mean, after all I choose “home” as my word in 2020 (*shudder*) and reflecting back on last year, “less” really didn’t fill me up with joy. It started off well enough but the end of the year with less just felt a little empty.  So maybe by choosing “heal” it will reflect around enough that 2022 will be a better year than the past 2 for all of us. Maybe not. I’m not so silly as to really think I’m the one directing the ways of the world. Still, can’t hurt to pick a hopeful and helpful word, right?

The funny thing about this word is I’m not exactly sick. Heal is a word that makes me think of someone who is sick.  Gratefully, I have no serious illness, take no prescription medications. So why chose this word? Not sure but I just keep coming back to the thought it’s time to heal some of the hurts of the past and move forward to more happiness (I mean it’s not as if I am unhappy all the time. That’s not it at all. It just seems I could feel better. So much better). I have some ideas about how to focus on healing but I’ll save those for another post.

Did you pick a word for 2022?




2 Replies to “My Word of the Year: Heal”

  1. I found your post when I was searching on more perspective of choosing the word heal for my WOTY as it is the word that keeps coming back to me. Thank you for putting your thoughts out there.

    1. Hope you found my post helpful. I’ve not really put together any more formal posts but I am approaching the word heal as a kind of mind, body, and spirit type of thing. Thank you for commenting. Hope that 2022 is a year filled with much happiness and healing for you. Happy New Year!
