Another short post that is just straight to my list. Just a reminder I start my list over each Thursday afternoon/Friday. So some of these go back to last week.
- J going to school (Last Friday)
- Everybody getting home safely (Friday was quite the day with J deciding to walk home from school, G having car trouble, me getting locked outside for a bit, and my husband dealing with most of it while still at work)
- lazy Saturday mornings
- Sunshine!
- A new book arriving in the mail (through Amazon)
- An exciting play off football game and of course, a Chiefs win!
- An old friend willing to help out and share her experiences as well as some very sage advice
- Coffee!
- A really wonderful compliment from the teacher I’ve been working with this week. She said it’s been very peaceful in the classroom while I’ve been in there. And that she even feels peaceful herself when I’m working in her classroom.
- Another compliment from one of the kids telling me I look like one of the other young, pretty preschool teachers (We both have dark hair but that’s about it…still, a nice compliment and I’ll take it)
- J getting his driving learner’s permit. Hooray for a confidence boost!
- McDonald’s getting the order right for our entire family right (J’s choice for a celebration dinner)
- Clear kitchen counters and sinks
- Green plants that just keep growing.
Lots to be thankful for around here even in the midst of an otherwise somewhat busy and stressful at times kind of week. What’s on your thankful list for this last week of January?