Things I’ve Done Today

It was another lazy day today. The sun did make a brief appearance though so that was nice. Other than that, today really wasn’t too exciting. Here let me tell you all about it. First, I’ll add it’s supposed to be nicer out tomorrow and I’m really hoping to get out and get some decent photos to share for upcoming posts.

Meanwhile, here’s a picture of the final amaryllis bloom.

See the tape? I accidentally knocked it when taking it outside on a nice day and the stem broke. However, a little tape fixed things enough for it to go ahead and still bloom.

(Oh my, ignore the dirty windows, please. They are on the spring cleaning list.)

The Short List of A Slow Day

  • Woke up very early, 5AM for no reason. Then, fell back asleep until about 7. However, I was up to ask my husband about the drivability of G’s car. He had car issues last night.
  • Made a protein shake for breakfast, coffee and chocolate.
  • Ruined the progress later by eating too many cookies. (Clean out the pantry cookies but I did make them with whole wheat flour and not much sugar so maybe not that bad?)
  • Took J to school.
  • Spent some time visiting a few lovely blogs/answering comments here
  • Thought about writing a post called Listmaker as I have more than 3 list type posts to do
  • Ran to the grocery store to pick up a few items for dinner. And accidentally took a screenshot of the recipe ingredients:

  • Picked J up from school
  • Made lunch: turkey, salami, and mozzarella melts on sourdough bread
  • Unloaded/Loaded Dishwasher
  • Vacuumed kitchen floor and living room rug
  • Cleaned up cat puke, joys of pet ownership though who owns who is up for debate.
  • Did the social media tour: Instagram, pretty pictures, then Facebook, why?
  • And now I’m getting this post done before my husband decides he wants to come down here and nap.

Tonight’s Plans

Tonight’s plans are that there are no plans. Well, other than attempting the pasta dish. The recipe for Penne Rosa is here if your interested. It’s new to us but I was intrigued. I’ll be using rigatoni instead of penne because I already had some in the pantry.

What are your plans for tonight?


Day 81/365


2 Replies to “Things I’ve Done Today”

  1. Your day sounds lovely! And quite productive!!!! Thank you for sharing the recipe for tonight at your house. It sounds delicious! Would you believe I have no idea what we are having! It might be grilled cheese tonight! Have a cozy weekend, my friend.

    1. Grilled cheese sounds like a great supper. The pasta was good, 3 out of the 4 of us liked it though my husband thought it needed a protein added. Hope you’ve been having a wonderful Saturday!
