Back From Vacation

We’ve been on vacation if you were wondering. Tuesday through Saturday at Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri. Except we came home on Friday instead.

It was a trip to celebrate J’s graduation. Most of it was fine, our lodging was just very cramped and we were all ready to be at home in our own house and our own rooms and sleep in our own beds. The little gray cat was certainly not disappointed to see us a day early.

Of course, I have more photos and I’ll do a proper vacation briefing type post soon. Just thought I’d pop this little note here for now and go catch up with a few blogs while tackling that mountain of vacation laundry!

Have you ever cut an out of town vacation short?


4 Replies to “Back From Vacation”

  1. So glad you had a little vacation! Congratulations on J’s graduation! What are his plans for the future?
    Isn’t there no place like home though?

    1. Thank you! I think he’s going to go to the community college down the road for 2 years, maybe go into computer security and/or study music as well. Not entirely sure, don’t want to pressure him too much with questions as it was a struggle to get high school done (stupid pandemic!), just taking time to breathe 🙂 I certainly came home motivated to do give our home some love and appreciation. Hope your week is off to a great start!

  2. Table Rock is so beautiful, but I can imagine cramped quarters made it a bit stressed. We have cut a vacation short, but not for good reasons 🙁 (hubby sister died). Glad you had a nice trip and came home appreciating your home 😀

    1. Yes, the lake was gorgeous (though if I’m honest, I kind of prefer Taneycomo to Table Rock…it’s just quieter and I love to watch the fog lift off the cold water in the mornings…). I’m sorry you had to cut a vacation short like that. I can’t imagine how hard that must’ve have been.
