Happy Homemaker Monday, I’m Back!

Whew! It’s been a while. Probably going to do a summer summary post tomorrow. However, I can’t think of a better return from my blogging break than a Happy Homemaker Monday post. Glad Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom is still hosting these!

Worth making a quick note that sadly I don’t think I’ve picked up my “real” camera since May or maybe June so these are all phone pictures from the last few months sprinkled in the post.

The Weather

My phone camera had a mind of its own one night. The sky looked nothing like this! Still a cool photo, I thought.

We’ve had some much cooler temperatures (record summer lows last week!) and a bit of rain that’s putting me in the mood for fall. However, I know better. It’s going to get hot again. Low 90’s by the end of the week.

As I Look Outside My Window

We had a hawk nest in the backyard. It was really fun watching them (and a little nerve-wracking at times as well, making sure they didn’t eat my cat). They’ve moved on now.

I see a gloomy, cloudy, fall-like sky. My little hummingbirds fighting over the feeder. And lots of outdoor chores I’ve neglected the past few months.

Right Now

Working on this post (yay!) while listening to the washing machine.

Thinking and Pondering

Where to start with things.

How I am Feeling

Sadly, not great. I think the yuckies from school have finally caught up with me. Bit of a scratchy throat. SIGH.

On the Breakfast Plate

A couple of mini croissants and an off-brand churro oreo. (My work day breakfasts were a lot more balanced, I promise. Just not in the mood for fixing things today and yogurt didn’t sound good.) Plus coffee. Still need to take my vitamins. I’ll probably make myself a glass of Emergen-C with black elderberry syrup in a bit.

On the Lunch Plate

No idea

On The Dinner Plate

Husband and I are supposed to go out for our friend’s birthdays but I’m probably eating at home if I don’t start feeling better. So, it’ll be roast for me.

On The Menu

MONDAY: Roast in the crock pot, potatoes, carrots

TUESDAY: white chicken chili

WEDNESDAY: beef and/or chicken marinated using the recipe on the back of the Thai peanut sauce, jasmine rice

THURSDAY: Waffles, bacon or sausage, fruit *I work 1:30-4*

FRIDAY: Pulled pork (from freezer) and rice

What I Am Wearing Today

Palm leaf type tee-shirt, navy blue skort, socks and tennis shoes

On My Reading Pile

Just finished up with The Many Daughters of Afong Moy by Jamie Ford. Really enjoyed it. Probably one of the better novels that wasn’t a suspenseful/murder mystery thing I’ve read in a long while.

On My TV This Week

Not sure. We were all about watching the Olympics the last two weeks. I don’t think any of the fall shows have started. I’ll have to see what’s back on my streaming services. I’m waiting on Emily in Paris (my guilty pleasure show) and Daryl Dixon to start.

Looking Around the House

We do NOT want to do that.

On My To Do List

Hmm…where to start. Not making a big list considering I’m not feeling 100%

  1. Grocery store DONE (It was so nice to go in the morning again!)
  2. Return library books
  3. Laundry (always)
  4. Make a start on cleaning the house
  5. Clean out emails
  6. Make another to do list of outdoor chores

From The Camera

Like I said, I’ve not really picked up my “real camera” in months. I’ll post more about my non-working summer adventures tomorrow but here’s a photo of a recent adventure.

I had a chance to go to the Rabbit Hole Museum in late July. Basically, they’ve brought many of your favorite picture books to life. If you are out this way and a book lover, definitely go! It’s even on this list from Time Magazine.


Quote for the Week

How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward. (Spanish proverb)




14 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, I’m Back!”

  1. Glad you are back and what a NICE bird. No, no one is allowed to look around in our house πŸ™‚ Please, don’t get sick, okay?

    1. We did enjoy watching the hawks but I think they’ve finally moved on. Trying very hard not to get sick.

  2. Yay! I’m so glad you’re back, my friend! Please keep downing that Emergen-C and resting. All the other stuff can wait. Steve has been watching the Olympics. He said it’s almost sad when they are over. It’s like your friends are just gone! Have a cozy evening, my friend.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I’m drinking my Emergen-C and trying to find something to watch. It is sad they aren’t on anymore as we were all watching over here and keeping track of the medal count. Now, everyone is back to doing their own thing again.

  3. So glad you’re back! But, sorry to hear you’re under the weather! Feel better soon. I LOVE that hawk picture! I haven’t used my real camera in months. My phone’s camera is just as good and oh so portable. We were all about the Olympics also and I can’t wait for Daryl Dixon also. Fall shows are scheduled mostly for late September. Have a wonderful week my friend.

    1. Thank you! My phone camera takes great pictures but sometimes it fixes what I’m seeing to the point, it’s not the same image anymore. I always feel a lot more “official” with my real camera, LOL. Couple months for the new shows, then. Hope you are halfway through a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you! There is a subscribe button on the right hand side of the home page. I am not sure how to add you myself from this end. Hope you are having a great week!

  4. Yay!! So glad you’re back Dearest. πŸ™‚
    Well you make sure you take care of yourself. Here’s hoping it’s just allergies or something. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’•
    Love your beautiful nature pics. 😍
    And that little museum sounds so cool! Such a lovely idea for a place to tour. I’d definitely be in on that deal.
    I hope you have a very blessed (& healthy) week ahead. xoox

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I don’t think it’s allergies but I’m packing myself full of vitamins and Emergen-C so hanging in there. The museum was really amazing and they are still adding to it. Hope your week is off to a fantastic start!
