Five Fun Questions For Friday

The questions are completely random today.

First though, a joke:

What’s a ghost favorite treat?

A: Booberries!

Ha! Found on Pinterest and immediately filed away for the next time I work with my fun preschool kids.

(By the way, isn’t my new little ghost necklace cute? It lights up as well. Something I got as part of a promotion from a “ghouls night out” event I attended with friends last night.)

ONE: Candle Scent

If you’re burning candles or wax things or oil diffusing, what does it scents are going strong at your house today?

TWO: Breakfast Cereal

What’s your favorite breakfast cereal? Or if you don’t eat cereal, did you have a favorite breakfast cereal as a kid? (Note: The Kelce mix is actually not bad and I kind of liked it.)

THREE: Netflix Binge

What TV shows are you currently watching?

FOUR: Phone Photos

How often do you erase phone photos? I took most the photos in this post today, October 11. So, I was curious to see how far I had to go back to find another month when I took photos on the 11th? How far do you have to go back from today to find another 11th where you took a photo/photos? What did you take a photo/photos of on that date?

FIVE: Plants And Flowers

Do you do inside plants or outside plants? Do you have any plants you bring in for the cold months?


My answers, no the pictures did not give all away!

ONE: Yes, I am burning the sugared snickerdoodle today and it just might be a new favorite. I was burning a 3 wick called leaves earlier but sadly, I don’t think I like it. Also, in the bedroom I have the oil diffuser going with “Joy” and hint of “Nutmeg” (I have a weird thing about not burning candles in the bedroom).

TWO: My all time favorite breakfast cereal is Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. Close second is Apple Jacks. Interestingly, my younger son and breakfast cereal connoisseur thinks Peanut Butter Captain Crunch is awful. Do you think it’s maybe because it’s all I could eat the last couple months when I was pregnant with that child?

THREE: Picture did give this one away. I’m currently watching White Collar on Netflix. A nice simple 2009-2014 show).

FOUR: I took those photos on February 11 of this year. Clearly, the Chiefs were playing. I took a walk at a local park, and sent my husband a picture to show him the store for some reason was completely out of Hydrogen Peroxide.

FIVE: Of course, I do both though usually only plants inside. And I took that photo today, yes, my tropical hibiscus is still blooming in mid-October! I need to cut it back and bring it inside before the cold really sets in but it won’t stop blooming. Of course, it’s supposed to be almost 90 today.






One Reply to “Five Fun Questions For Friday”

  1. Hello Lovely Lady!
    The kiddos will LOVE that joke. Ha! And I love the necklace – so cute!!
    Ok the questions:
    ONE: sunflower (birch, clove, patchouli & eucalyptus), Autumn woods, apple cider
    TWO: strawberry mini wheats, regular Cap’n Crunch
    THREE: Great British Baking Show
    FOUR: I have been terrible about my phone photos! I have way too many and don’t delete them. And so many I want to upload and make albums with. I NEED to get on that!!
    FIVE: I have some inside plants. And I do my little garden pots and raised bed each Spring – but I often let the outside ones go in the Fall. Next year I think I want to dehydrate the herbs I grow though – so I can use them all year!
    Blessings on your weekend ahead. Thanks for the fun questions! xoxo

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