Happy Homemaker Monday

Taking a break from my 31 days of questions and answers (I’ve not made a page yet) to do something a bit more regular.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the weekly planning type post. Looks like new category headings again.

The weather in my neck of the woods

I’ll start by saying I’m sitting here in my pj pants and a hoodie. So pretty chilly! Our first freeze advisory/warning is for tomorrow. Then, we have a couple days in the 60’s before bouncing up to the 70’s. No rain. We need a little rain (really, we need a lot of rain).

Things that make me happy

Sunlight streaming in the living room windows. Sunlight in general even though I’d be happy to see some clouds and rain at any point now.

Book I’m Reading

I just finished God of the Woods by Liz Moore. It has nothing to do with religion and is in fact a very good mystery/thriller type book that takes place during the 1970’s at a summer camp in the Adirondacks. Interesting characters and historical perspective as well. It started out a bit descriptive something I normally despise but I enjoyed this book in spite of that.

What’s on my TV today

Laundry day so probably more White Collar. Plus, I need to catch up on Daryl Dixon, Brilliant Minds, and maybe Saturday Night Live since I missed it.

On the breakfast plate

Cinnamon toast and coffee

On the lunch plate

Absolutely no idea!

On the dinner plate

Turkey sausage, orzo, broccoli

On The Menu

MONDAY: turkey sausage, broccoli, and orzo

TUESDAY: stuffed peppers

WEDNESDAY: salsa chicken, corn tortillas, and guacamole

THURSDAY: spicy potato soup

FRIDAY: Not sure, thinking I might try to find a calzone recipe….if that fails, probably frozen pizza

On my to do list

  1. Laundry
  2. Target
  3. Pay bills
  4. Clean the house
  5. Continue getting outside plants transitioned inside

New recipe I tried or want to try

Looking for a good calzone recipe.

What I am creating

Ordered a couple new tables for plants from Amazon. I’ll let you know how assembly goes. Might need to delegate that effort.

Favorite photo or picture


Quote for the week

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. (unknown)


2 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday”

  1. Aww wanna be a plant lady so badly, but I’m terrible at keeping them alive unfortunately! I think I do need to keep trying! I do have a snake plant I’ve kept for two years, but everything else seems to die! Yours are gorgeous!

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