
Just a quick one for today. Had a hard time thinking of a question. Then, my newest ache and pain started flaring again.

One of those phantom injuries that appeared out of nowhere. Well, I think I did something at work but didn’t feel the OUCH until a few days later. So, I’m wondering when was the last time you injured yourself? Or the last time you grabbed a band aid?

My answers:

I did something to aggravate my elbow of all things about a month ago? One of those injuries that’s not serious enough to call the doctor but hurts enough to consult google. It comes and goes.

Probably aggravated a ligament or tendon. Icy hot and ibuprofen. Oh, and rest. Ha! Times 5 million to that part of it all. Found one of those compression sleeve things at Menards so sometimes I’ll wear that though usually not at work. I think I hurt my elbow/arm at work picking up little chairs one handed or cots.

Working with small children I grab band aids a lot. Last time I grabbed one for myself, I don’t really remember.  Probably for a paper cut or (accidental) cat scratch.



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