More Rain, More Flowers, and a List

We’ve had rain the past two days. A few moments of sun but mostly rain. I think today is sun but tomorrow, more rain. More flowers are popping up and blooming around the yard. I also have flower seeds I need to start and soon. Sprinkling a few more flower images throughout this post.

On Monday, soon after I posted, I started feeling a bit under the weather. Blah enough to text my husband a request to bring home some Sprite. Felt a bit better yesterday and while not 100% today, passed on work, I do feel more functional.

So, since it’s Wednesday and in Fly lady land, that means it’s anti-procrastination day, I thought I’d share my list.

Today’s To Do List

Most of these I’ve been putting off for some time though the laundry is just there (and I did ignore it the past two days).

  1. Laundry: In progress!
  2. Pay Bills: DONE
  3. Make a phone call about an automatic bank charge: Something I need to cancel
  4. Reply to blog comments/visit blogs/write blog post: In progress! Also, debating making a loose blog posting schedule to follow.
  5. Clean bathroom floors
  6. Make chore cards: Saw this idea somewhere to use a deck of cards for household chores as a means to getting more help from family. Follows the make it fun philosophy. Who couldn’t use more fun?
  7. Put away blankets piled on bedroom chair: Happens to be in the fly lady zone for the week as well.

Bonus Items

These are only if by some miracle, I complete the 7 items listed. (Note: I have other items on my list today, I’m just sharing the things I’m putting in the anti-procrastination zone).

  1. Find the other Easter basket. We always save the boys (and yes, they are well past Easter basket age but I don’t care) Easter baskets to use again each year. However, one is missing. Probably in a closet somewhere.
  2. Pick up more birdseed. My poor house finches are staging a protest over the different seed I put out there.
  3. Visit Target for a few items. Might be an on-line shopping day.


In other random news, I finished my book, Ready Player One and watched the movie. Wasn’t a huge fan of either though the book was better than the movie. Ordered two new garden flags from Amazon and they arrived yesterday. I’ll share pictures of my Easter one on Friday. And see the green blooming boxwood up there. Those blossoms STINK. Thankfully, the rest of the flowers around the yard smell pleasant.

Work keeps calling. And I keep telling them, hello, I’m sick. It’s different teachers but I do wish they had some sort of bulletin so I could just mark myself unavailable for the week and avoid all the constant texts.

Ending my post here so I can cross another item off the list today. How is your week going so far? What things on your to do list have you been putting off doing?


4 Replies to “More Rain, More Flowers, and a List”

    1. Thank you! I used to be very opposed to making lists but it seems I almost need to have one now. It is a very satisfying thing to cross those items off the list. Happy Thursday!

    1. Thank you! I actually crossed quite a bit off my list yesterday. Hope all is well with you!
