I finally settled on a word for 2025 and it’s none of the ones I considered. How it goes sometimes, right? The closest I came to the words I considered was savor.
However, I felt it came with a bit of pressure. And did I want to feel that I must savor the moments of unhappiness that creep into the years along with the wonders. Still, I wanted to notice the moments of happiness and unhappiness and every moment in between. Not just go through the year in a daze (I feel like slept walk through 2024 somehow) but actually pay attention and notice the things happening around me. So my word for 2025 is:
I think I could go a bit further with it and use a phrase: notice the moment. Mostly that’s how I plan to engage my word but I’m keeping things simple and just having a word for the year. I’m hoping by noticing the world around me and not spending quite so much time distracting myself (with say my phone), that I can arrive at the end of 2025 and not wonder what happened and where it all went.
What do you think? If you already picked a word for 2025, what is it and how is it going for you so far?
Adding a picture here just to break up topics a bit.
Speaking of noticing, I noticed I didn’t care for the way I did my 25 for 2025 list. I can fix that though. A new off the cuff list. Some items might be the same and some may change. Anyway, here’s an updated straight up list of 25 things I want to do in 2025, no order, no categories, just a list.
- Try a different hot chocolate flavor every week during winter
- Get my ears pierced again
- Plant a garden again (we skipped last year other than in a few pots)
- Go on a walk at least once a week (giving myself grace for weeks when the temp is below zero!)
- Send someone a letter every week of 2025
- Buy 2 Christmas presents a month
- Lose 25 pounds (who knows maybe this is my year!)
- Say yes to invitations, maybes are yes. (I have permission to NOT go if I really don’t want to go)
- Host Easter brunch
- Go through an automatic car wash by myself
- Notice and embrace the pace of every season
- Clean out the computer desk (Note my computer desk is a big engineering type desk with lots of space in the drawers that I think contain papers dating back to the kids’ elementary school days)
- Blog at least 3 times a week
- Date night with my husband once a month (I should probably share this list item with him)
- Clean and organize basement
- Participate in the 52 Week Organized Home Challenge (just jumping in with it. Thank you Carol for mentioning it in your blog post on Monday!)
- Pick up the real camera at least once a week
- Take 4 trips, one in each season
- Act from a place of peace, love, and kindness. Take a pause if necessary (sports team cheering exempted, LOL)
- Clean up the back deck and backyard to make it a more peaceful place (this requires better weather and husband help…hmmm, a date night? Ha!)
- Clean corner in bedroom (clear out the clutter corner basically)
- Have spa day once a month
- Serious email clean out and unsubscribe from lists
- Give myself permission to rest on days I feel run down
- Refer back to the list near the end of each month (With a blog post? Maybe sometimes…)
Will I still do some of the things dropped from my first 25 in 2025 list? Maybe or maybe not. Will I do everything on this list? Maybe or maybe not. I do feel better about this list though like I can stick to it better.
Love your word! I think that is a word that will definitely help being focused on living more in the moment. And I love your list and that it’s very specific and laid out. I especially love the date night once a month and spa day too! Great ways to treat yourself with extra tlc and keep your relationship strong.
My word is “home” and I have been focused on it each week. I partly mean literally home (being home more, focus on projects here etc) which I have been doing. (I will be sharing the wedding scrapbook I’m working on sometime soon 😁) But I also mean getting back to “home base” so-to-speak about my physical health and spiritual health. I finally got myself a bible study book (as I’ve never done one) and I’m getting back to the basics of the bible and scripture. And I’ve upped my workouts to more days a week and ordered some equipment – I will all share in the future too. As well as changing some eating habits like I was before our wedding last year. So far so good! Blessings on your journey too my Lovely. xo