Happy Homemaker Monday, Last of February

Is it me or has February been a bit brutal this year? Though I’m determined not to rush the year along, I’m not exactly sad to see this month end.

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather

A Spring preview! And I’m happy to enjoy it. It’s currently 57 degrees outside, snow is melting, only places really left are the giant piles from the snowplows. Bring on the mud! This entire week is supposed to be in the 50’s/60’s with a slight chance of rain on Wednesday.

As I Look Outside My Window

An amazing sunrise this morning! Bit later now so not as much to see, blue skies and empty bird feeders. I’m out of bird seed but not as worried, figured I got the birds through the super cold. They can manage for a day in 50 degree weather.

Right Now I Am

Sniffling. SIGH. I’ve been sick a lot this school year and it’s annoying.

Something Fun To Share

Maybe next week. Unless you want this cold? Of course, it’s not fun.

Thinking And Pondering

Just stuff. I want to go for a walk but how muddy is it out there and I really don’t feel great, zombie level 5ish. New job or no? Need to go on a date with the husband. Hoping I feel better for our friend get together on Saturday and can KMBMS (Keep My Big Mouth Shut) depending on where the conversation lands.

On My Bedside Table

A kleenex (clean), book, lamp, phone charger

On My TV

Started getting this crud on Saturday so basically just watching movies I’ve already seen: Infinity Wars, End Game, Speed, and Spider Man: No Way Home. Also, Next Level Chef later this week and maybe catch up on some other regular tv shows. Need to circle back to Brooklyn Nine-Nine, still enjoying it, just took a little break.

On My Reading Pile

I don’t even know. Some random Ginger Bolton cozy mystery, the next in the series. I like to read them at bedtime because they take very little concentration. My library hold came up but I’ve not started it: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion by Jonathan Haidt. Mickey-7 by Edward Ashton, need to finish reading it before the movie comes out sometime in March.

And I just remembered, I have an actual book to go pick up at the local library (usually do e-books), Gangsters of Capitalism: Smedley Butler, The Marines, and the Making and Breaking of America’s Empire by Jonathan M. Katz.

Listening To

A quiet house, no tv, no radio, really just the appliances now and then.

On The Menu For This Week

Hooray for a warmer week! Friday’s dinner of vodka pasta with bacon and cherry tomatoes (optional add-ins):

MONDAY: grilled chicken legs, asparagus, corn on the cob

TUESDAY: hamburgers, French Fries

WEDNESDAY: spicy Korean chicken, rice

THURSDAY: grilled turkey sausage with peppers and onions


Saturday/Sunday: We’ve got dinner plans on Saturday night and I’m thinking possibly spaghetti for Sunday

On My To Do List

Usual items of grocery store, cleaning the house, and laundry. Pay a few bills. Water some plants. Hoping I feel good enough to do outside stuff tomorrow.

Happening This Week

Thankfully not too much, I work (so far) on Friday and then, we have dinner plans out on Saturday

My Simple Pleasure

Fresh flowers. I’m especially looking forward to going outside and seeing flowers on the front porch and in the yard again.

Lesson Learned The Past Week

Doesn’t matter how many vitamins you take, a sick kid hanging on you and getting the coughs in before you can say “Germ Catcher!” has a high probability of sharing the cold with you.

Looking Around The House

Wish I had to the energy to clean up a bit more but I don’t. Carpet needs cleaned although more mud is coming so that might need to wait.

From The Camera

Sadly, I don’t think I picked up the “real” camera last week. Hoping to change that and get some nice outdoor shots this week. Still photographing my Valentine’s Day flowers.

Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers, the country, the world. The Pope. The people I don’t want to pray for because they annoy and anger me but I’m doing it anyway.

Quote For The Week

It takes courage to be kind. (Maya Angelou)


3 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Last of February”

  1. Your flower pictures are beautiful. I’ve heard a few people mention vodka pasta recently, I must look it up. I hope you feel better soon and have a lovely week 🙂

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