A Dud and a Delight

Just a super quick post this afternoon.

A Dud

I am more of a vanilla person so really expected to enjoy this one.

I did NOT. It was not good. Maybe too soon after the rich Belgian hot chocolate? Or maybe it’s just called hot chocolate for a reason? And I accidentally bought 2 packets of it. SIGH. Maybe I can figure out something to do with the other package to make it better.

A Delight

Before baking:

And after:

(Sorry forgot to flip the photos). YUM. Just YUM.

The blueberry French toast bake that Carrie shared was a hit! Mostly with me. To be fair, my husband said it would make a “good side” and that he didn’t care for mushy bread. (NOTE: the bread was not mushy at all. He just isn’t a huge sourdough fan and that’s what I used) J decided he was not a fan of hot blueberries but thought it would be great with other fruit. G just thought it needed something on top. My family is super picky though. This dish is an absolute 10/10 for me.

I made a few mistakes in the recipe like accidentally doubling the seasonings when I halved the recipe but I don’t think that hurt it at all. And not really a mistake but I always add a 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg to my recipes with real blueberries.


4 Replies to “A Dud and a Delight”

  1. Haha! Love it! Yes, typical family moments of everyone has their own opinion and tastes. 😂 But they all brought up valid points too. I bet it would be great with almost any berry or fruit. And I love bread pudding and I think you have to like that texture to love this too. I thought the streusel topping and some syrup made it delish. I think I added fresh grated nutmeg too! I add it to any egg related sweet or savory. But I’m THRILLED you loved it dear blogging Bestie. 🙂 xoxo

    1. Interesting, I only add the nutmeg to blueberry things. I’ll have to try it in other egg-related things. I do know G adds it to the French toast he makes us. Thanks again for sharing the recipe with us!

  2. Your bake recipe looks delicious. It’s always a bonus when at least one person likes it. A shame about the vanilla cocoa drink, it’s often a shot in the dark with trying new things.

    I’ve posted a Five on Friday post today. I’ll see how it goes and if people want to join in. I miss Tricky’s regular Friday posts, it’s such a shame when things come to an end. There are times when we feel swamped with things, so I do understand too.

    Have a good weekend Jean x

    1. Thank you! I’ll have to come over and check out your Five on Friday. I worked a 10 hour day (covering for a different coworker in the afternoon, not something I’d normally do but her brother is in the hospital and she wanted to visit) followed by a work party. Think I’ve just recovered from that long day this morning, ha! I do miss the regular Five on Friday posts as well. Be nice if they could take off again. Hope your week is off to a fabulous start!
