Welcome to the Friday Catch Up, the new improved version of Five on Friday, hosted by Cathy over at My Creative Life.
I might still do five topics but this new version gives us a bit of flexibility. Today, I’m just going to look back at my week.
Daylight savings started on Sunday around here thus my title. Wondering if we’ve all adjusted or are feeling tired after a week of mixed up times.
Oh, and I did pick up my “real” camera yesterday so I’m randomly adding photos of outdoor flowers and such to each heading.
First day after the time change and I was dragging a bit but also busy with errands. Hair cut in the morning (had no idea, good thing she sends reminders and I got one on Sunday afternoon). Tried to keep my face neutral while my hairdresser informed me of her price increases. Not sure I succeeded. I understand but wowza. Reminding myself of the old adage: You get what you pay for.
Followed the hair cut appointment up with grocery shopping. Where you don’t always get what you pay for anymore. Trying to be very conscious of budget, using what we already have, and not wasting food so actually spent a little less than normal.
Another sort of busy day although I did sneak in watching the first episode of Spring Baking Championship. Of all the cooking/baking shows, the baking championship shows are my favorite. Is it that the host, Jesse Palmer, is funny and not bad viewing for the eyes? Is it that everyone on the show is so nice and supportive to each other? Is it watching them bake things that I wouldn’t dream of attempting? I do have to armchair coach sometimes though. Or is it all of the above? Yes, that’s it.
I did break up my viewing into 2 parts as I also had to work a bit on Tuesday and had plans with friends in the evening. My evening out was just okay. I just felt kind of off, ever get like that?
An unexpected work day. Bit of a long day as the kids were a bit crazy (full moon and a lunar eclipse incoming!) and we had an animal presentation. And, of course, the tornado sirens went off during that. It’s a Wednesday thing in this area. The first Wednesday of every month, they test storm sirens. Unless, like last Wednesday, there’s an actual storm (it was a snowstorm but…still, no sirens). Usually, we practice the drill. However, we told the kids, just stay seated and let’s keep watching the animals.
A few other crazy things happened (typical crazy things) so I was glad to get home and relax.
Was that just yesterday? Why does it feel like it was a week ago? Not even sure what I did prior to working for a couple of hours that felt like an entire day. Well, I guess I did pick up the camera for a bit and walk around the yard. Trying to transition the indoor plants back to the outdoors so every day, out go the lemon tree and hibiscus and few others. Then, every night, back inside. Except today, we have high wind warnings starting at 11:00 AM and I can already hear the winds this morning.
A bit of weirdness from yesterday: I have to go check again but I have a little cup holder trash can and I swear the lid disappeared while I was at work, like someone stole just my lid. It’s not under my car seats and I am almost sure it was there when I drove to work. However, J did empty it for me on Sunday so I have to double check he didn’t accidentally throw it away. My laziness pays off here as the bag of trash (it’s just a Target sized bag) is still in the car.

I have the day off and next week is spring break at my school! So, I feel like I get to start my break a bit early. Very excited for that. Great weather predicted for next week also. Fairly certain the topic of next week’s Friday catch up is going to be spring break related.
Today, I’m spending my bonus day doing some spring cleaning in our bedroom. Debating a pie for pi day, local business partnered with a former bakery owner to sell them. Wondering if I can sneak in a walk before the wind makes me question it’s safety. And of course, lots of books to read and shows to watch (Moana 2 finally hit Disney+, my preschoolers keep me updated, LOL.)
Whew! I was chatty today. How was your week? Big weekend plans?
Love the photos Jean, so bright and cheerful. Thank you for joining me on Friday Catch Up today, sorry it’s a bit late. Friday is always a dash to get out the door, with all the things that I need. I didn’t manage to post it before work. Have a lovely spring holiday off work. In the UK, our clocks ‘spring’ forward on 30th March for Mother’s Day.
This weekend we have the F1 Grand Prix on, it’s on early, so it’ll be recorded and we’ll watch it after church. Then it’s young people’s group back at church.
Take care and have a lovely weekend x