Bed Time

A quick one tonight. Today ended up being a bit of a long day. I was supposed to work 8 to 4 but ended up staying until 6:15. Life happens.

Anyway, I’d like to go to bed now at not quite 9:00PM. Well, really I wanted to go to bed at 8. And now the cat is trying to “help” me type this post. Grr.

So, just for fun. What time is your typical bedtime?

Is your bedtime different on the weekends?


My answers: Mine is between 10 and 11 PM. Unless we’re out doing stuff or I’m really tired. I typically am in bed by 10 and then allow myself to read until 11. That means I either fall asleep reading my book or if it’s a really good book, make myself put it down at 11.

It varies for me on the weekends, I do allow myself to stay up a bit later (say if I’m reading a good book or engrossed in something mindless on tv).

Okay, I’m guessing halftime is just about over so time for me to be done here. And yes, I’ll stay up late to watch the Chiefs but I have a feeling I’ll be looking up to make sure we won the game in the morning.


4 Replies to “Bed Time”

  1. Hello! Ahhh, bedtime. I love going to bed! How funny is that?? I am usually not in bed until 11 at the earliest. Then I try to watch something with Steve and end up falling asleep before it is over. And i won’t even tell you what time Flynn goes to bed. Another perk of homeschooling!!!!

    1. My husband likes to watch tv before bed. Sometimes he falls asleep and I’ll just turn the tv off. Ha, I can imagine Flynn stays up pretty late, remember my boys doing that despite not being homeschooled. Think I used to stay up fairly late when I was MUCH younger myself. Now though, it’s reversed and I’m suddenly a morning person. How does that happen? Thanks for answering!

  2. Hello lovely Jean!
    I’m very similar to you in that I usually go to bed around 11. Sometimes I fall asleep in my recliner though and wake up in the night and get myself to “bed”. Lol Matt is an early riser so he goes to bed earlier than I do – so I usually stay out and watch tv. Sometimes I read, but by late at night it’s hard for me to stay awake when I do that. The weekends I’m definitely up later and Matt too. Even if we’re not out doing something. We’ll snuggle at home and stay up watching movies or playing cards.

    1. Oh, I can relate to falling in asleep in the recliner especially after long days at work. My husband usually goes to bed earlier than me as well. There’s just something about staying up late on the weekends, I think.

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