Birth Day Question

Welcome to day 2 of 31 Days of Questions and Answers. These questions and answers are going to be completely random. Just like if we were sitting together in that coffee shop or restaurant or even here.

Today’s question idea sparked early this morning. I woke up to J telling me something was off with our milk. Not good for someone who drinks coffee with that splash of milk to start each day.

I needed to go to Menards for bird seed and happened to know they sell milk. Birdseed and milk, my Midwest errand list. Also, Menards is very close to a Dutch Bros coffee shop. And last time I was at Dutch Bros they asked me if I had the app. I’m not an app person but I figured maybe I should get the app for somewhere I frequent. She’d given me a little card to scan.

So this morning, working on limited coffee, I started installing the app on my phone. I knew it was going to give me a free medium drink of my choice. As I input my birthday for that free drink in a couple months, their system calendar showed that my birthday many moons ago occured on a Tuesday.

Remember the old nursery rhyme:

Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for a living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

And yes, I had to google it as I didn’t know all of the days. Here’s a link to an interesting analysis and history of the nursery rhyme including some other older versions.

So today’s question for you….do you know what day of the week you were born?

Don’t worry if you don’t, I found this fun little tool to help you out.

What day of the week were you born? Go here and enter your birthday (it doesn’t ask for any other personal info so I think we’re okay).

Do you think the old nursery rhyme holds true according to the day your were born?


My answers: I already mentioned that my birthday fell on a Tuesday. Am I full of grace? I have no idea. I try to give it freely.

Just for fun, I looked up the rest of my little family here: Both boys were born on Mondays. I’d like to think they are both beautiful and fortunate (see poem analysis above). My husband’s birthday fell on a Saturday and he does work hard for a living.

(Also, after all the work of installing the app, I decided the line at Dutch Bros was too long and just came home with my new gallon of milk and had my regular coffee here.)


4 Replies to “Birth Day Question”

  1. Hello my Lovely!
    I remember that old rhyme. Lol I would say you’re definitely full of grace. 💗
    I’m a Friday’s child – so loving and giving. I’d like to think I sure try to be loving and giving.
    Now it makes me want to check on all the other peeps in my family to see if it fits. 😉
    Blessings. xo

    1. Aw thank you. Yes, I’d definitely say you are loving and giving. Funny how an old nursery rhyme can fit like that. Happy Friday!

  2. Haha, that is funny!

    I was born on a Thursday, and according to the Dutch weather website, there was a brisk wind from the north-northeast. The strongest gust of wind had a speed of 4.1 m/s. It was a cold day with an average temperature of 0.6°C and a wind chill of -0.2°C. The sun shone for 7.6 hours. It was an almost cloudless day.

    Here’s the translation:

    According to the Dutch, Thursday (Jupiter) children are cheerful, humorous, and curious. Well, I don’t really believe in that. Although I do have a lot of humor and I am curious. But it’s not because of some connection between the character of a planet and a day of the week. I love your sentence: Thursday’s child has far to go… that is true.

    My mom: Saterday
    My dad: Wednesday

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