Catch Up Question

Pretend it’s Wednesday and I’m keeping up with this series of questions and answers. Still been a week. I think I can definitely say that one on a Thursday, yes?

It’s going to be a 2 post kind of day.

Wednesday’s question came to me late last night as I was cleaning the kitchen. If I’d have cleaned the kitchen in a timely manner instead of putting it off until right before bed, then I’d have posted last night.

Storage Wars

I’ve never pretended to be even the slightest bit organized. Even my old blog was named for my lack of this.  One area that seems to be a constant mess around here is (everywhere!) the kitchen. Some of this is by design. I mean the kitchen design. Our kitchen isn’t very big and storage (yes, I do use that cherry pitter about 1 or 2 times a year, maybe) becomes an issue. It’s probably time for another cleaning/clearing session.

An aside here: I’ve never understood the minimalist/clutter clearing advice to get rid of things you haven’t used in 6 months. Of course, I’m not using a cherry pitter in December when um, cherries aren’t in season. And I’m not using Christmas cookie cutters in February (usually). Anyone follow this advice about the 6 months thing?

That’s not the question for today, however. My question today is about Tupperware or Rubbermaid (more common around here) storage containers. How big is your collection? And how do you store them? Cabinet? Drawer? Lids on or lids off?

My answer

We still store all our containers in one of the cabinets. We have 2 shelves worth.

My husband and I disagree on the number of containers we should own. Have I perhaps banned the washing and reusing of all restaurant containers and things that previously held food? Yes. And yes, I know my mother and mother-in-law both did this but I like to see and know what’s in the containers. As far as the argument about containers not returning, then put the food on a paper plate with some foil. Or call and get the container back.

We used to store all our containers stacked together with the lids on the side. It was a bit of a nightmare finding the right lids to the containers, things falling out of the cabinet. Then, I read somewhere about storing the containers with lids on them. Game changer! (Even though I know in my picture it looks like things are about to fall out of the cabinet. Also, the lids in the corner there are for small bowls we typically use for salsa so we never add those lids.)

Probably should also note that my husband is not a huge fan of this method and doesn’t always put the containers away “right.”  I love this method though as not only does it prevent the “fallout” but also gives us a built in limit in how many containers fit in the cabinet. Probably another reason he’s not a fan as it helps enforce my extra storage container ban.

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