Give Me A Sign (Or Not)

Hopefully, most of you already know that I don’t talk politics on this blog. So no names during the answers to these questions, please.

Last night, I had a chance to catch up with one of my older brothers on the phone. (I have 3 older brothers and an older sister.) He mentioned someone stole my sister’s political sign from her front yard.

I laughed and asked if they replaced it with the opposing candidate. They did not. However, we both decided a fun practical joke would be to drive around and switch everyone’s signs to the opposite candidate. Not that it would ever really work in the era of ring doorbells and such.

Anyway, it gave me the idea for today’s question.

Do you put political signs inĀ  your yard? What about bumper stickers on your vehicle?


My answers:

No. My husband’s always been opposed to putting any type of political sign in our yard. I think the only signs we’ve ever had in our yard related to kid stuff (congratulatory signs, a sign advertising a mattress sale at the local high school for a band fundraiser, etc). Oh, and of course, I’m not opposed to a garden flag:

No bumper stickers. I refuse to put any type of stickers on my bumper or even in my rear windshield. When in college, I used to tape the parking sticker on the windshield so I could remove it once done.


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