Glove Box

Today is day 5 of 31 days of questions and answers!  And a Saturday so I’m preparing this one in advance. Also, because I didn’t want to ask this question on Friday and possibly spoil it for someone who does the same puzzles.

Each morning I spend some of my time on my phone (which is probably bad) doing the following things and usually in this order.

My morning phone time:

  1. Bible devotion app. There’s a morning and evening verse but I usually read the one from the night before in the morning along with the one for the morning.
  2. NY Times Wordle game. My husband does this one also and always seems to solve the puzzle in less guesses than me. It’s annoying.
  3. NY Times Strands game. Nobody else really does this one. I enjoy it though. It’s like a wordsearch where they don’t give you the words. Just a hint about the puzzle. And then one word called the spam-gram stretches across the whole “board.” Today’s question actually comes from one of the answers to yesterday’s Strands game.
  4. My vice game: Project Makeover. The amount of time I spend here depends on my schedule for the day.   
  5. Sometimes the news (I get a brief synopsis of headlines from the NY Times but I’m too cheap to pay for the subscription so can’t always read the full stories and will just google the subject if I’m super curious).
  6. Mornings with lots of time to waste might or might not also include: e-mail, Instagram, and Facebook (though not much of the last one)

Anyway, back to our question for today.

What do you keep in your glove box?

The NY Times Strands puzzle answers from yesterday:  Spam-gram: Glovebox Words: manual, flare, registration, title, atlas, and quarter.

Some of the answers just made no sense to me. I’m stuck on the flare answer. Who keeps a flare in their glove box? In the trunk, sure but in the glove box? Please tell me if you keep a flare in your glove box. What else you do keep in there?

My answers:

This is from memory as I’m too tired to go officially check. Driver manual, state map (no atlas, wouldn’t fit), registration/matenienace stuff (uh, not the title…don’t do that! Keep it someplace safe like in a safe.), insurance cards (probably need to clean some of the old ones out…I have a bad habit of just throwing the new ones in there). And a small first aid kit (big first aid kit in the trunk).

Then, I have the center console thing that opens and it contains various cd’s that I seldom listen to any more. I guess newer cars don’t even have cd players? SIGH.  My car has one as it’s not exactly new anymore but 2015 also doesn’t seem that long ago. I can also usually scrounge up a small thing of kleenex or some type of wipes. Random phone chargers as well. It contains a thing to sort change as well, might or might not have change in it.



One Reply to “Glove Box”

  1. Hello my Lovely!
    I have puzzles I do every day too! One is a word search one that gives you points each day and one you reach a certain amount it shows you a hidden pretty photo. And then I do the NY times mini crossword, connections, and then wordle in that order. Lol
    Then I have the typical social media apps that I TRY to limit my time on. And I have a Parish app and Hallow app that I’ve been using for daily rosary the month of October. And Babbel for working on my French. I like my phone too much too! 🙈

    And I agree – no flare in the glove box! Lol What the heck?? And mainly just registration papers and my Mom’s handicap sign so when I take her we can park close.
    Blessings on your weekend! xo

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