Happy Monday! Here in the U.S., it’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as well as Inauguration Day. And bitter cold, here in Kansas City. No work for me today (schools out because of MLK, Jr. Day) so a good day to putter around and maybe get a bit of indoor housekeeping done.
Joining in again with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom, hoping 2025 is the year, I manage to post a Happy Homemaker Post every Monday.
The Weather
Come hang out by the Netflix fireplace with me:
Already mentioned it but again, it’s bitter cold out there! Right now it’s 7 degrees with a minus 4 degree windchill and supposed to get colder before warming up again. By Wednesday though we’re back to our normal mid 30’s and I even see some 40’s for the weekend. Slight (very slight) chance of a sprinkling of snow on Thursday.
Things That Make Me Happy
How About Those Chiefs????!!!!! Two games away from a 3 peat win of the Super Bowl!
As I Look Outside My Window
Saturday sunrise out the front windows (I may have actually stepped out and froze for this photo)
This was from yesterday but the birds were busy at the birdfeeders! A few favorites. I took these through the backdoor so not super great quality!

And who’s this?
On the Breakfast Plate
Apple cinnamon oatmeal and coffee
On the Lunch Plate
I’m thawing out a frittata from the freezer that I made around New Year’s
On The Dinner Plate
Roast in the crock pot, dinner rolls
On The Menu
A work in progress. I’ve decided I need to spend today seeing what we have and making menus to clear out the fridge/freezer/pantry. Threw some produce away this morning that should have been used. UGH, I know we’ve all had it happen but it’s so frustrating especially with the price of groceries.
MONDAY: Roast in the crock pot
TUESDAY: Maybe Chicken Tingas (already cooked in freezer) *Hair appointment for me at 10:00 a.m.*
On My Reading Pile
The Forgotten Witch by Jessica Dodge, I enjoyed The Book of Lost Enchantments enough to read another. Each book seems to be stand alone. They are cozy and kind of whimsical reads set in Scotland. Probably make great Fall reads but I’m reading them in winter.
On My TV This Week
Oh, can I say it again? How About Those Chiefs????!!!! Okay, I’ll stop. Obviously, football this weekend. And I’m so grateful that I won’t have to listen to Joe Buck/Troy Aikman again. UGH, they were annoying. For the record, I saw the same roughing the passer calls in a quite a few other non-Chiefs games earlier in the season where the announcers explained the rule instead of griping. I confess I spent many years hating on New England so I guess I get it, they hate us ’cause they ain’t us 😉
Okay, enough of that, time to start practicing my “Shut Up, Tony Romo!” yells. LOL. I actually don’t mind him as much. Sorry about the tough loss for the Detroit fans out there.
Other than that, my husband and I have one episode of Resident Alien left to watch. Maybe I’ll finally get around to finishing Emily in Paris.
On My To Do List
What’s not on my to do list? Same old stuff really: laundry, clean the house, declutter a bit (I did *finally,* on a couple warm days last week, drop off some donation boxes that had been in the trunk way too long), grocery store and Target runs, make meal list from items in fridge/freezer/pantry, pay bills,etc.
What I’m Creating
I usually don’t have anything for this category but we had a work event on Friday and it was a painting party:
(I got a little carried away with my snow!)
I’m also planning to create a loaf of banana bread in bit to have the oven maybe heat the house up a bit more.
From The Camera
I picked my real camera up this week for the first time in such a long time! So the pictures in the post are a combo of phone/real camera pictures.
Think she’s dreaming of warm summer days? I think the hibiscus I moved in for the winter is sharing her dream as it bloomed over the weekend!
Quote for the Week
My favorite quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. :
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Happy Monday dear Jean!
Congrats on your Chiefs! They are insane. Maybe it will be a 3-peat? Wouldn’t that be something??
I always love your pics and makes me want to get my cannon camera going again. And I LOVE your painting. It turned out awesome!!
Can you believe I’ve been blogging 10 years already?! I’m doing a giveaway and it would mean loads to me to have you entered. So please go comment on my post from Friday. I would love for you to have a chance to win. I’ll be announcing winners Wednesday. This blogland space, and friends like you, mean so much to me. Blessings always. xoxo
Thank you! A 3-peat would be amazing. Hoping we can beat Buffalo this time around. I hopped over and commented, thank you for your sweet words & letting me know & of course, Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging! Where does the time go? I’m honestly not even sure how long I’ve been blogging, maybe I’ll try to figure that out this week. Hope you have an amazing week!
Oh, how bout them Chiefs! I adore Patrick Mahomes, and he is such an amazing quarterback! I hope to see them win a third Super Bowl.
Yes, I’m very excited to see them still around and winning. Hoping to see a 3rd Super Bowl win as well. Hope you have a great week!
Love the painting.. I always get carried away with snow in paintings too 🙂 Great pictures. Have a great week
Thank you! Yes, it was fun making the snow on the painting. I had to stop before all I had was snow, LOL.
Your cold, like Carrie’s make ours look like a warm spell. Stay warm and I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. I absolutely love that squirrel picture – such a great capture in the knot hole! And the kitty pic soaking up what I can only assume is some much wanted warmth from sunshine. My Christmas cacti are finally blooming also. One of them has at least 4 dozen blooms ALL at once. I LOVE how you got carried away with the snow on your painting! Have a GREAT week!
Yes, I’d love some of your cold weather about right now. We’re supposed to warm up though. I also have lots of buds on the Christmas cactus blooming but absolutely nothing on my other one. Hope you are having a wonderful week so far!