Happy Monday! I feel like we are having a delayed start to our New Year’s over here. I know it’s the 3rd week of the New Year (already!). However, since the boys all had Covid-19 (I might have as well but never had any major symptoms, a minor headache one day, being tired a bit…which could have easily have been caregiver fatigue), it seems as if we are just now starting our New Year with the holidays behind us. At least that’s what I’m pretending.

Of course, it wasn’t like everyone being sick was a huge extra holiday. It did delay our return to routine and the excitement of a fresh New Year. So, I’ve decided I’m treating this new week like the first week of a New Year. Complete with starting over on the New Year resolutions I didn’t really make (see my list of 22). Tomorrow (since today IS actually a holiday), I’ll focus seriously on drinking my water, eating less crap food, etc.
Today, I’m taking it easy and refreshing the house a bit. Changing out the bedding, laundry in progress. And of course, working on this post so I can join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.
The Weather 
Winter arrived over the weekend. Cold and snowy! Of course, it’s supposed to boomerang back up to almost 50 tomorrow and plummet to 15 on Thursday. Still on the roller coaster. I prefer the sunny, warm days but the snow does make everything pretty.
How I Am Feeling This Morning
Ready for a return to some type of a routine. And in the mood to clean and clear clutter away.
On The Breakfast Plate
Bacon and biscuits (husband cooked), coffee, and vitamins. Need to go drink some water.
On My Reading Pile
Went on a bit of a reading binge last week/over the weekend. Finished The Secret Garden, now one of my all-time favorite books. Might break down and order a hardbound illustrated copy like the one from the library. Read one called The Nanny by Gilly MacMillan, it was one of those creepy fun suspense kind of novels. When the Stars Go Dark by Paula McLain was a bit predictable I thought, found myself more interested in the secondary plot than the main one but it was a fairly quick read. Dark material though as it dealt with the kidnapping and assault of young girls. Also a dark one but well-written was Good Neighbors by Sarah Langan. *Spoiler Alert* The neighbors are not good. Not at all.
On My TV
Husband and I binge-watched Kobra Kai, I’m still enjoying it, he’s on the fence about it. Tried to watch the new 2020 version of The Secret Garden but it was so far removed from the book, I couldn’t finish it. A dog in place of Ben Weatherstaff? I don’t think so! Then, why stop at one bad movie…I watched The Eternals. I did finish it but was unimpressed (and seriously, a love scene in a Marvel movie? It’s brief but still UGH). Sad when the 2nd end-credit scene was more interesting to me than the entire movie.
To make up for bad movies, I watched 3 good movies, one a classic. Guardians of the Galaxy, needed some humor. Then Shang-Chi, worth your time if you’ve not seen it yet. A very well-done story. And finally, at J’s urging since I’d never seen it, I watched Citizen Kane. Very good and of course, worth your time.
Other things I watched: Joe Millionaire, at least I expect that to be bad, guilty pleasure tv. Next Level Chef, despite saying I wasn’t watching any more cooking shows, I’m intrigued. And the NFL playoff games including watching my Chiefs beat the Steelers. I did wish they’d have let Ben Roethlisberger have that last touchdown pass.
On The Menu
Now for the hard part of the weekly planning…
Still trying to clear out the freezer a bit
MONDAY: Chicken strips, either cooked from freezer or homemade, just depends on how the day goes
TUESDAY: Ribs in the crock pot *Carryover because I keep forgetting to thaw them*
WEDNESDAY: Baked ravioli (in bag in freezer), salad
THURSDAY: pork chops (already cooked in freezer), baked sweet potatoes
FRIDAY: Homemade Pizza *I work 7:45-4:15*
Looking Around The House
It’s okay but I’m feeling the need to spring clean even though it’s only January
To Relax This Week I Will

spend some time with the huge pile of gardening and seed catalogs calling my name
From The Camera
Last Friday, before the storm arrived, I went out, took a walk, and did a little “house-hunting”. The trail at a local nature center had a wooden gingerbread house display (families and organizations paid a fee to charity for a cutout to decorate).

Something Fun To Share
On a whim, I’ve been trying to learn Swedish on Duo Lingo. I can now tell you I’m eating bread and drinking water in very broken Swedish. J helped me and said a better way was to change you-tube to Swedish. And while playing around on there, I found this fun video. (It’s mostly in English as it’s an Ed Sheeran interview of sorts)
On My Prayer List
An end to this virus, for the numbers to decline (our local community is at a 41 % positivity rate!), the health care workers, those who are struggling with any aspect of this awful virus, a peaceful week. Friends, family, and strangers.
Quote For The Week
I have to share this quote again since it is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”
Hello there! I am glad everyone is on the other side and you can start your brand new year! I know that feeling of being ready to clean and disinfect and start fresh. I loved Shang Chi!!!! And we are watching Joe Millionaire too! Have a cozy day, my friend. Stay warm and healthy!
Billie Jo recently posted…Monday Morning Coffee Talk
Thank you! Hoping that maybe tomorrow I can have everyone actually out of the house so I can seriously clean (I find it hard to clean around people), today I ended up getting called into work. Of course, I’m happy to go to work as I was missing those kids. Hope you have a happy Wednesday!
Hello dearest Jean!
So happy to hear you guys are feeling better and 2022 can really begin! Lol
The weather has been so crazy here too. It was almost 40 here today – which is nuts! And tomorrow it could be close to 20 below zero. Talk about whiplash!
I LOVED the Ed Sheeran video as you may well know. I’d never seen that one. I wish Ed would be my friend!! 😂
I love the house signs – so cute. That mario one is really cool.
I hope you stay cozy and HEALTHY and have a great week ahead. xo
Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker Monday
PS: Congrats on KC winning!
Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker Monday
Thank you! Maybe…just maybe…this will be the GB/KC matchup year. 🙂
Yes, crazy weather. Yesterday, I could’ve taken our trash out without a coat and been fine. Today, 5 minutes (less) running outside and I was freezing (wearing a coat!). Hope you have a great week as well!
Was thinking about you during the KC game! Congratulations on their win! So sorry to hear that COVID has swept through your house, but glad you’re on the mend. Your reading was a bit too dark for me last weekend, but LOVE your Guardians of the Galaxy watching – one of my favorites! I LOVE those painted signs – what a GREAT idea! I’ve been doing some “spring” cleaning too, I think because I’ve been staying home so much! What a PERFECT quote for yesterday and life in general! Have a GREAT week.
Thank you. Hope they do it again this coming Sunday. My reading was a bit dark for me as well, LOL. I ended up returning one of my books by the same author because it was way too scary for me. Now, I’m reading some silly romance book with witches (I don’t know maybe I think it’s October? LOL) and a nonfiction one by Tim McGraw. Happy Wednesday!
Glad everyone is on the mend and routine can start again. I added these books to my ‘want to read’ list on Goodreads.
The wooden gingerbread house display is a great idea. I know around here some volunteers put up christmas decorations in one of the walking trails but have not seen it except in pictures.
Wow! learning Swedish. I’d like to learn Spanish.
Have a great week
Lucie recently posted…Happy Homemaker 2022-01-17
Thank you! Some of those books were definitely better than the others. The nature center (or city, not sure of the sponsor) does it each year. One year was snowmen, year before something else, can’t recall. It is a very neat idea. Swedish is supposed to be somewhat easy to learn from English as lots of the words sound similar. I took a year of college Spanish so can understand a bit and of course, working at a Montessori school, I can sing you the days of the week & months of the year in Espanol. LOL. Plus a few other key phrases and counting to ten. Spanish is a good one to know. Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!