Happy Homemaker Monday, End of September

Just got called into work earlier than I planned so here we go again with a quick Happy Homemaker Monday! SIGH. However, I do enjoy a paycheck now and then, so go to work it is.

Haven’t joined in as much as I’d liked to with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom this late summer/early autumn so I’m determined to get this post out today. Oh, I see new categories as well!

The Weather


Still summer here! Highs in the mid eighties this afternoon. However, a dry cold front (that’s what they said on the news) comes through tonight bringing us some 70’s. No rain. Like always, our weather is all over the place.

Things That Make Me Happy

Hanging out with preschoolers, flowers, birds, butterflies, going on walks. Staying in and watching tv,  new shows or football. Reading my book. Being with my family (no order here so that really probably belongs first in the list).

Book I’m Reading

Trying really hard to make my way through Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Grann. (No, I haven’t seen the movie)

What’s on My TV Today

Probably just Monday Night Football at this point as I work 1-5.

On The Breakfast Plate

I had an apple turnover, vitamins, and coffee.

On The Lunch Plate

Great question! Probably a sandwich.

On The Dinner Plate

Spicy Korean chicken and rice (leftovers from freezer)

On The Menu

MONDAY: Spicy Korean Chicken/rice *work 1-5*

TUESDAY: Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, maybe brownies for dessert *Haircut 10*

WEDNESDAY: Waffles/bacon/strawberries *Out to lunch with friends for another friend’s birthday*

THURSDAY: Chicken Fajitas (may change this)

FRIDAY: Thai Basil Stir Fry (New recipe, we’ll see)

On My To Do List

Grocery store *DONE*


Pay bills


Transition more plants inside…maybe…weather is making me put this off

Search out ingredients for Friday’s dinner

New Recipe I Tried or Want to Try

10-Minute Thai Basil Chicken

What I Am Creating

Well, starting tomorrow I’m creating a new series for my blog by participating in Blog 31 Days which doesn’t exactly exist any more. However, I’m still doing it and my series is going to be simple: 31 Days of Questions and Answers. Just a nice chit chat topic for each day. Check back 🙂

No Words Needed: Photo

Quote For The Week

This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118: 24).


Not enough time to really proofread, please excuse any glaring grammar errors!

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