Happy Homemaker Monday, February

A new month! January wasn’t bad for us (though I know it was rough for many) but I’m still happy to welcome a new month.

Time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for another Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather

Ready to be jealous? It was 60 degrees here yesterday! Yep, Six OH beautiful degrees Fahrenheit. And partly sunny. It’s nice again today, ran to the store this morning without needing a coat. (J wore shorts to his band practice last night). Tomorrow, I think we turn back to normal, and then a good chance of a rain/snow mix for Wednesday. Nothing too scary though. And for anyone who might need it, I even saw a bit of green on my walk yesterday!

As I Look Outside My Window

Blue skies, a few (not many) birds at the feeders, and hardly any snow left, just the base of a neighbor’s snowman that likely won’t last the afternoon.

Right Now I Am

Just back from the grocery store and finished up with lunch.

Thinking And Pondering

Downy woodpecker

If I can squeeze in a walk today, lots on the *have to* list but it’s so pretty outside! (At least, I got to go yesterday)

On My Bedside Table

Lamp, phone charger, a book (need to move it though as I prefer the table to be empty)

On My TV

Brooklyn Nine-Nine and of course on Sunday,….The Super Bowl. GO CHIEFS! Come On, 3-Peat!

Listening To

Washing machine at the moment.

On The Menu 

MONDAY: Grilled pork chops, potatoes (maybe), corn on the cob, rolls, salad

TUESDAY: White Chicken Chili

WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti

THURSDAY: Taco soup

FRIDAY: Homemade pizza *I work 8-4:30*

Decided to keep things pretty simple and basic this week since the weekend’s going to be exciting.

On My To Do List

Grocery store (DONE), laundry, need to do some other shopping errands (husband’s birthday is Saturday), send a few cards, cleaning chores

Happening This Week

My happenings are usually subject to change based on whether or not I get called into work.

Tuesday: We’re attending a funeral for a friend who lost their father

Thursday: G is going out of town

Friday: I work all day

Saturday: Husband’s birthday

Sunday: Superbowl Party to attend. GO CHIEFS!

What I Am Creating

Um, I started some artichoke seeds. (I’m attempting more to grow them for the flowers)

Simple Pleasure

Reading before bed

From The Camera

(All photos in post from the “real” camera!)

What’s that blue?

It’s an Eastern Bluebird! (And I’m out of practice with the “real” camera)

Quote For The Week

We don’t have to agree on anything to be kind to one another. (unknown)


14 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, February”

  1. What beautiful photos! It’s super warm here too, and I’m enjoying every second of it!

    1. Thank you! Have to enjoy it while it’s here. I know for us anyway, I’m sure another cold snap is just around the corner!

  2. I love the bird pictures! I used to love bird watching. I’ve lived in the city the past 4 years and we see about 50% starlings, 45% sparrows and the other 5% are a mix of bluebirds, cardinals, hummingbirds, and woodpeckers. (Think maybe 2 of each bird in the area – there are not many!) I miss it so so much and can’t wait to move somewhere I’ll see all kinds!

    Have a wonderful week and keep sharing those bird pictures!


    1. Thank you! I usually see the more interesting birds when I’m out walking though occasionally in the backyard (mostly during Spring/Fall). Hope you are in the middle of an awesome week!

  3. I really enjoy reading your blog. I’ve been reading it for several years. I always look forward to your content .

  4. Hello, my friend! Your photos are always beautiful, but today? The bluebird?!?! Amazing. I am so happy your team is playing this weekend. My Steelers are always a disappointment in the playoffs. UGH! Good luck to your Chiefs! Have a cozy day.

    1. Thank you! Oh, I remember the many years of Chiefs playoffs disappointments…if they got there at all, one game and out. So strange to me that there’s an entire generation out there that doesn’t know anything but the winning team. Hope you’re week is going well.

  5. So so jealous of those temps!! And that you have some green. I hope you soaked up extra for me!
    Getting excited for this weekend and the fun to come. ❤️ So I can’t even imagine how excited you are. Lol
    Love your nature pics as always. You’re always so good at capturing those birds. 🙂
    Blessings always. xo

    1. Well, we’re back to winter & winter temps around here this week. Seems fitting, ha! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  6. Sorry I’m running so late! I sure hope your weather has leveled out. Your bird photos are always so colorful and great! Have a great weekend my friend.

    1. Still a see-saw but now we’re back to proper winter complete with a winter storm warning for Tuesday night!
