Happy Homemaker Monday, First Day of School Already

Just a quick one this morning as I was called in to work. On the first day of school, yes. I was feeling sad about not working it, then kind of glad to be home. One thing about covering vacations all summer is that you end up a bit burned out at the start of the school year. It’s like upside down world.

However, I do usually help for a few hours on the first day of school but wasn’t asked this year. Figured they had enough help. Then, just as I was settling my mind about how I’d spend today, late last night, the text came. SIGH. Not a great shift either as it’s 9 to 5:30. I pondered saying no for quite a while but of course, I ended up saying yes.

So I’m attempting to put together a quick Happy Homemaker Monday before I head out today. Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

*UPDATE: I typed all this up before work but then, the pictures did not cooperate so I’m just now hitting publish at 6:30PM*

The Weather

Nice, feels *almost* fall like but I’m sure it’s going to be a bit warmer this afternoon.

As I Look Outside My Window

All those outdoor chores I didn’t do last week/over the weekend are still waiting.

Right Now

I’m mostly ready for work (still need to do my hair and make my lunch) while I work on this post.

Thinking and Pondering

Debating taking 2 weeks off officially for the week before Labor Day and the week after it.

How I am Feeling

Tired. I feel so much better than last week when I was sick but my energy isn’t quite at 100% yet.

On the Breakfast Plate

Undecided. Probably a bagel. Already had LOTS of coffee and my vitamins

On the Lunch Plate

No idea, need a work lunch calendar but can’t find one.

On The Dinner Plate

Something easy. Probably fake Chik-Fil-A nuggets out of a bag from the frozen section in Sam’s Club

On The Menu

TBD….I know I work until 5:30 today, have Bunco tomorrow (I’m hosting so in charge of snacks) plus I work in the afternoon. Also, I have plans Friday evening. So this week’s menu will hopefully be easy things.

What I Am Wearing Today

White button down shirt, purple skirt, tennis shoes. However, I may change into a dark purple tee-shirt as I’m not sure what’s on the work lunch menu. Don’t want to ruin my white shirt!

On My Reading Pile

I’ve been working my way through Charlie Donlea novels and enjoying them. I just finished up Some Choose Darkness last night.

On My TV This Week

No idea. Last week I watched all TEN of the Fast and Furious movies plus Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (watched that one with G) so probably not going to watch quite as much tv this week.

Looking Around the House

Slightly better than last week but I’d still prefer we don’t look. Maybe next week?

On My To Do List

Find my mind, I think I’ve lost it!

  1. Finish this post
  2. Work
  3. Pay bills
  4. Laundry
  5. Grocery store
  6. no idea…

From The Camera

I did pick up the real camera this week…2 not so exciting pictures to share. Must do better again.


Quote for the Week

Saw this on Pinterest, and I could really use this advice and reminder often as I struggle with this sometimes.

Observe, don’t absorb. (Kate Eckman)



*Please forgive any spelling/grammar errors in my 20 minute post*

6 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, First Day of School Already”

  1. Hello my Dear!
    Well I hope getting to be part of the 1st day of school was a win. 😊🍎
    It’s crazy how fast this summer went. And now Annie is off to college and one of her friends just came by and needed to use some extra packing things Annie had leftover. It was so weird to have her friend pop in and Annie isn’t here. Really hard on this momma heart but I’m excited for all of these kiddos too. Even a bit envious of their brand new journeys.
    Anyways, I hope you have a very blessed rest of your week Jean.

    1. I did enjoy getting to be a part of the first day of school, some new sweet kids starting and of course, a lot of the ones I already know to enjoy another year. Time is zipping by this year! Hope all your kids (and their friends) have wonderful new adventures! Hope you have a great week and adjust quickly to your own new adventures.

  2. I absolutely ADORE the flowers picture! Sorry your school year started out a bit awkward. Hope the rest of the week went better and so sorry I’m running so horribly late!!!

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