Happy Homemaker Monday, It’s Spring!

We made it through winter and now, it’s officially springtime!

Joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Monday link up.

The Weather

A bit chilly and cloudy, 55 degrees right now. Supposed to bump up into the 70’s by the end of the week. Along with a few thunderstorm chances.

As I Look Outside My Window

Thought I saw a goldfinch on the feeder earlier but I was too slow to get to another window to confirm.

Right Now I Am

Finally sitting down to finish up this post at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Something Fun To Share

I always come across great stuff in the weekend favorites by Courtney Carver. 

How to Feel More at Peace was my favorite one from this past weekend. Much needed!

Thinking And Pondering

Spring cleaning. Decluttering. Whether or not I like the lilac scented candle. Can’t decide if it smells more floral or too much like old lady perfume.

On My TV

Did a bit of tv watching last week: Wicked, Moana 2 for movies. White Lotus, Spring Baking Championship, Righteous Gemstones, Tournament of Champions, and started a rewatch of The Last of Us for streaming series. Also, still on Brooklyn Nine-nine. On regular tv, The Voice, Next Level Chef, and started Farmer Wants A Wife.

On My Reading Pile

Still working my way through my James Rollins book. Need to read more this week.

Listening To

Currently nothing. Two weeks ago with no warning the 2 most popular morning radio shows in our area were cut. So I’m boycotting those stations while searching for something else. (And I’m not alone in my boycott) It’s a very small thing but I very much miss my morning radio program!

On The Menu For This Week

not very successful carrot cake muffins

Tried to plan out the fridge/freezer a bit.

MONDAY: ham/potato stir fry with asparagus (keep forgetting it’s in the fridge!)

TUESDAY: tacos

WEDNESDAY: pork loin on the grill with fresh green beans

THURSDAY: roast in the crock pot

FRIDAY: open

On My To Do List

Pay the bills (DONE), grocery store (DONE), a bit of spring cleaning and clearing (not done) more yard clean up (not done) not sure what else, having trouble focusing today

Happening This Week

Not much, official spring break is over but I’m currently not scheduled to work until Friday (7:30-4)

What I Am Creating

Thinking about Easter basket ideas….that’s about it

My Simple Pleasure

A good night’s sleep. I didn’t get that last night.

Lesson Learned The Past Week

It was spring break, didn’t have time for learning! Ha. I’m sure I learned something but I’m drawing a blank right now. Oh wait, I know. Don’t walk around in those little foot mask socks from Target or you could hurt your foot.

Looking Around The House

It’s not looking great, lots of tidying needed.

From The Camera

Spring is in bloom around the front yard


Prayer List

Friends, family, strangers, the world.

Quote For The Week

The renewal that comes in springtime refreshes not only the earth but us as well. (George H. Bonner)



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