Happy Homemaker Monday, March!

March is finally here complete with spring fever and weird super quick changing weather!

For now, it’s time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday.

The Weather

Sunrise one day last week.

Weird. It’s been nice but also chilly. When I left for the store this morning, I stepped out onto the front porch in the sunshine and said: Oh, it’s so nice out!

And then, when I stepped out of the store, the clouds were there along with a chilly breeze. SIGH. It is supposed to be almost 60 today so I’m not giving up hope.We’re supposed to get some type of rain/light snow mix overnight Tuesday into Wednesday, I think. Almost wonder if it’s arriving sooner. Then, back to *regular* winter with highs in the mid 40’s for the rest of the week. Spring weather again next week.

 Right Now I Am

Working on this post, doing laundry, wondering what to have for lunch

Something Fun To Share

I stumbled across this fun channel on Instagram but he’s also on YouTube: Cookin’ with Congress.  I was going to share the video where he ate like Harry S Truman since I’m here in Missouri but alas, I can’t figure out how to share a short on here. Here’s Eisenhower (from Kansas, right next door to us). It’s really fun to see what they all ate!

Thinking And Pondering

Just going to admit it, I was petty and turned down work. I knew if I went, I’d be resentful about a lot of things. Not a great attitude to take in there with the kids. (Plus I’m fairly certain I would’ve been covering in the classroom where the stomach bug’s been flying. Wanting NO part of that). So is it worse to be petty or resentful? I mean neither is good, of course.

On the other hand, I’m human. And I did wake up with a pretty sore shoulder this morning (pulled muscle, maybe?) so I guess it all worked out.

On My TV

Not much, I need to read this week. However, I’ll probably watch Spring Baking Championship if it’s on Max. And Next Level Chef on Thursday. Maybe The Voice with my husband later tonight.

On My Reading Pile

So many books, so little time! How can I have so many books on hold for 8-10 weeks out and then, they all come up for my turn at the exact same time? This week I’m going to focus mainly on reading Mickey7 by Ashton Edward, not even a library book but the movie comes out this weekend.

On the Kindle app, I’m trying to get through The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided By Politics And Religion by Jonathan Haidt. Um, I had such high hopes but it’s starting a bit (coughs *A LOT*) dry. Feel like I’m back in college and reading a textbook. I’m still interested but it’s slow-going.

Listening To

Silence now, time to switch up the laundry.

On The Menu For This Week

J and I made homemade macaroni and cheese yesterday, Betty Crocker Online recipe solid 3 out 5 stars


Trying to be more mindful and less wasteful so we’ve decided to start leaving Fridays open for leftovers.

MONDAY: Carnitas , corn tortillas (trying to use up a package of these from the fridge)

TUESDAY: Pancakes with strawberries and blueberries

WEDNESDAY: Spaghetti, salad, garlic toast

THURSDAY: Turkey sausage (from freezer, grilled last week), broccoli, and orzo


On My To Do List

Usuals: laundry, clean the house, etc

I don’t even know what else…prepare for the apocalypse? Oh, I remember I did want to rake the leaves off the garden…

Happening This Week

I work on Wednesday morning but other than that nothing. And I’m perfectly okay with that. I’m sure things will come up or I’ve forgotten something.

 My Simple Pleasure

Cat snuggles.

Lesson Learned The Past Week

If you’re sick, rest is good. And keeps you from ending up with that never-ending stuff. (My poor husband is now sick and not resting so I hope he doesn’t end up with the never-ending stuff. He’s downing the Emergen-C so maybe that’ll help)

Looking Around The House

It’s a mess! If it’s a clear surface, somehow it’s not. Time for a bit of cleaning and clearing.

From The Camera

What camera? Sigh, I must do better with the real camera and actually getting out. (All phone pics in this post)

Prayer List

Family (especially my niece, more on that later), Friends, Neighbors (I saw the neighbor on the corner leave in an ambulance last night, he’s been on hospice so I don’t think that’s a great sign), Strangers, Our Country, the entire world…

Quote For The Week

May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears. (Nelson Mandela)



2 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, March!”

  1. Hello my Lovely!
    I’m so happy to know I won’t be the only one suffering more winter this week. Lol
    And it’s never petty to take care of yourself in any capacity in my opinion. So I think it was just smart not going in.
    My happy place is kitty (& doggy) snuggles too!
    Love the pics – especially the diamond art 😉 Perfect for March! ☘️🌈
    I hope your Hubby feels better. So ready for Spring and warmth to get rid of bugs!!
    Blessings on the rest of your week and stay cozy. 💗

  2. Happy March! Your flowers are beautiful. I love your kitty pic. It reminds me of our sweet girl that passed away a year ago. She was the sweetest. Have a great week!

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