Instead of marveling on how it’s already mid-June, look I’m posting on an actual Monday. And in the morning as well!
Last week was good over all but ended a bit bumpy and left me in a bit of a funky and grumpy mood all weekend. Still trying to shake it off (apologies if that made Taylor Swift lyrics pop into your head) this morning.
Time to join in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom to plan the week ahead.
The Weather 
We went from a late start to summer to spring storms last week to heat advisories all this week. It doesn’t feel too bad out there right now as far as the temperature. However, the humidity is just oppressive today. Highs in the 90’s all week with a few chances of thunderstorms here and there.
As I Look Outside My Window
Glad I took the time to mow the lawn on Saturday before more storms/our current heat wave arrived. I need to fill the bird feeders.
Right Now
Working on getting this post done so I can get on with the rest of today’s list.
Thinking And Pondering 
It seems the grocery store prices increased again! We’re definitely going to be using what we have with a bit of seriousness in the coming weeks. Thankful to be in a place where this is currently more of an inconvenience than a burden but we’ll need to be careful. Thinking of those who are struggling with these higher prices.
Homemaking Tips
Note sure this counts as homemaking: Even though I despise doing it, keeping the blinds/shades drawn and the lights low during super hot days helps keep it a little cooler inside.
How I Am Feeling This Morning 
Still in a bit of a funk, wondering if maybe I didn’t sleep as well as I thought.
On The Breakfast Plate
French Toast bagel and coffee.
On My Reading Pile
Finished my non-fiction so now mostly fluff. My turn with The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley finally arrived. I’d not read anything by her but found it a satisfying enough thriller to add the rest of her titles to my holds list. Read a couple of Mary Ellen Taylor novels, one through the First Reads: The Brighter the Light and Honeysuckle Season. Easy enough reads that I enjoyed more for the settings than the actual storylines. Like I said pretty much fluff. A library trip is on today’s list though.
On My TV
Dr. Who, Time Traveler’s Wife, the season finale of Barry. And I’m watching all the Jurassic Park movies before I go see the new one. One movie left to go. All these streaming services and is it on any of them (for free)? UGH. Trying to decide if I want to rent it or skip it. (FYI: The 3 originals are on HBO Max, we happened to own the first of the Chris Pratt ones.) Network TV: The song shows, the new Master Chef season.
On The Menu

What exactly do you plan when the price of groceries is crazy, you’re in a funk, and there’s a heat wave making you not want to cook anything any way? This whole menu may evaporate into a week of frozen pizza, salads, and cereal for dinners. I do know I also have lasagna in the freezer as well as French toast if needed.
MONDAY: Probably OUT (I know) *J has band camp 3-6 followed by a baritone lesson at 6:30*
TUESDAY: Pepper steak/chicken, rice *J has band camp 3-6*
WEDNESDAY: BLT salads (throwing in the leftover pepper steak/chicken)
THURSDAY: Shrimp on the grill maybe? *I might work 8-1:30, need to confirm*
FRIDAY: Chicken legs on the grill?
From The Camera
Looking Around The House
It looks like someone started to clean a bit and then just stopped. Oh, that would be me on Saturday. I should probably finish it.
On My To Do List
- Grocery Store *Done*
- This post *In progress*
- Sort/Pay bills
- Clean house
- Return library books
- Visit garden center
- Water Plants
On My Prayer List 
Friends, family, strangers. The teachers and kids at the preschool (especially in the classroom where I worked last week, one of the class pets, a Guinea pig, passed away–7 years so most likely simply from old age but still tough). The world, for better times to come and erase this season of viruses and hatred replacing it with health and kindness.
Quote For The Week
Borrowed from the book I read this weekend.
Beautiful flowers. I took close blinds on hot days.
Have a great week
Thank you! I know closing the blinds helps but I always feel so cooped up when I do it. Hope you are having a terrific Tuesday!
Yeah! I finally figured out how to receive your blog posts by email again. Haven’t received any on my old address for a long time. Used a different email address and viola! Here you are!!! I’m so glad! I enjoyed reading your post and love the flower pics…especially the pinks! So pretty! Have a great week ahead! 🙂
Hooray! I’ve been pretty hit and miss with blogging for a few weeks so you found my posts again at a good time 🙂 The pinks were new to me this year. Found them when I spotted a hummingbird moth on them at Mernards early in the spring. Sold me immediately. And they’ve just kept blooming, a new favorite. Hope you have a great week as well!
Had to laugh at your menu description! That’s EXACTLY how I’m feeling – all that planning, but the costs are making me cook from the freezer and much plainer than I would normally and also contemplating cereal for dinner, but even the cost of cereal and milk has me questioning everything! Sorry to hear your weather is all over the place also. We never got above 60 here today and even had hail this afternoon when a short lived storm blew in – of course it was while I was out on a walk 😀 I hope this week is WONDERFUL!
Cereal prices are insane. I’ll only buy it if it’s on sale, thankfully, a store ran a huge sale a few weeks back and I stocked up on it. Hoping things even out at least and soon. I’m not minding our heat wave so much (of course, I don’t have to be out in it). Hope you have a wonderful week as well.
That book is good! Enjoy it!! Also, I am right there with you on the menu. Sometimes Steve will just throw whatever we have on the grill! Praying with you, my friend. Have a cozy day.
I don’t know how the weeks keep getting away from me! The grill is a good menu saver on hot summer days! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Hello my Lovely!
I hope you’re feeling better and getting out of your funk. Here’s a big 🤗 Does that help? 😉
I’m trying to work on a menu plan too – and the prices are getting crazy here on certain things too. Plus, I drive a big vehicle so not the best on crazy high gas prices too. The world is in a weird place, but I pray it cycles back around like it always does. Just hopefully sooner than later.
Take some good time for yourself – get lost in a book. Go for an early walk before it gets too hot. Embrace the wonderful parts of summer dear Friend.
Blessings to you. xo
Aw, thank you! Week kind of got away from me (again). Yes, praying things cycle back very soon. I spent some time at a few different garden centers yesterday and that helped (doesn’t always help the budget though, LOL!). Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!