It’s Spring Break week here. So nice to not have to think about work for an entire week. My plan is to do something in the “need to” department each day as well as something fun. We’ll see how that plan works.
And of course, we’re celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day today. Just minor things, mint shakes somewhere and something Irish-esque for dinner.
For now, I’m joining in with Sandra over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom for the Happy Homemaker Monday link up community.
The Weather 
It’s been interesting. Warm and windy. Cold and rainy and sleet plus snow on Saturday night. By the time I remembered a photo, all that was left, a bit of ice on the deck:
No snow this week but up and down, windy, sunny, rainy weather. It’s March.
As I Look Outside My Window
Blue skies and sunshine today!
Right Now I Am
Working on this post, was filling out my passport application while waiting on photos to load. No tripped planned but thought it might be a good idea to get one. Just in case the process becomes more complicated (or expensive!) in the future. Plus, I do want to travel some day!
Something Fun To Share
Tomatoes are coming! (hopefully)
Thinking And Pondering
Things to do this week, fun things and spring cleaning things
Β On My TV
Spring Baking Championship is back (woohoo), Tournament of Champions (also a cooking show, watching this with the husband), Righteous Gemstones (again, watching with the husband), and White Lotus. Probably The Voice on regular tv plus Next Level Chef. Catch up on some other shows maybe.
On My Reading Pile
Arkangel by James Rollins, a few cookbooks, Gangsters of Capitalism by Jonathan M Katz, and something by Wendy Corsi Staub on the phone (sorry can’t remember the title, it’s a thriller just downloaded)
Listening To
Birds chirping outside
On The Menu For This Week
Not really sure, didn’t go to the store yet and may put it off until tomorrow. It’s spring break after all!
MONDAY: Irish coddle (sausage, potatoes, kind of like a stew), soda bread
TUESDAY: Husband’s choice *my bunco group decided to eat out this month in lieu of playing the game*
FRIDAY: ????
On My To Do List

Enjoy my spring break! A bit of spring cleaning and a bit of fun for the week! (Still need to go to the grocery store, Target, and do a bit of laundry plus pay bills)
Happening This Week
Mint shakes for St. Patrick’s Day today, think the boys and I are going to eat lunch at Arby’s. G and I have plans to go see Mickey-17 in the theatre. Dinner out with my Bunco group on Tuesday night. The boys and I may go explore a semi-local (40 minute drive at least) Asian supermarket. Time outside! I listed all the fun stuff, more exciting than the spring cleaning items.
What I Am Creating
I’ve got nothing
My Simple Pleasure
Spending time with family and friends
Lesson Learned The Past Week
The reminder that sometimes peace is better than being right.
Looking Around The House
Needs some attention and cleaning/clearing of the clutter
From The Camera
Prayer List
Friends, family, strangers. The country, the world. Peace, love, and kindness to overtake the hatred and bitterness out there.
Quote For The Week 
God spoke in flowers today, and I, who was waiting on words, almost missed the conversation.
(Ingrid Goff-Maidoff)
Hello dear Friend!
Your pics always bring me life. Robins! Flowers! Green growing things! Yes, yes yes please!!
I love your perfectly balanced plan: do need things but also fun things. That sounds perfect.
I think the Asian market sure sounds like something fun to explore. You’ll have to share if you find good stuff. π
Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!