Happy Homemaker Tuesday

Started the week off working (bright and early at 7:00AM as well) so Happy Homemaker Monday turns into Happy Homemaker Tuesday afternoon around here.

Just going to get right to it while I’m still semi-functioning.

The Weather

Cold yesterday and today but we are going to warm up! 40’s by Friday! I predict some snowmelt in the future. While the snow is pretty and I’ll be sad to see much of it go, honestly, it’s stressing me out that I can’t park in my *usual* spot at work because of it. So I’ll be happy to have my parking spot back. And happy for a bit warmer weather until the next front comes over the weekend and then, it’s COLD again.

As I Look Outside My Window

Snow on the ground still plus I need to refill the birdfeeders.

Right Now

Taking a break from paying bills to do something fun (like type up this post!)

Things That Make Me Happy

Children, blue skies, watching the birds, snuggles with a little gray cat

On the Breakfast Plate

Homemade egg mcmuffin (egg w/cheese on English muffin), coffee

On the Lunch Plate

Junk (should’ve just eaten lunch at work, waited to long and so snacked here at home)

On The Dinner Plate

Blueberry French Toast Bake

On The Menu

Trying to slowly get back to routine…

MONDAY: sausage, broccoli, and orzo *I worked 7-12:30*

TUESDAY: Blueberry French Toast bake, bacon & sausage *I worked 8:30-1*

WEDNESDAY: pepper steak *I work 7:30-4* plus scheduled night out with friends

THURSDAY: chicken sandwiches, French fries

FRIDAY: No idea *I work 8-4 plus have a work party (postponed from December)

On My Reading Pile

Just started a new one: The Book of Lost Enchantments by Jessica Dodge, the premise intrigued me

On My TV This Week

Mostly football (Sorry about your team, Carrie!) though most the games were fairly lopsided. More football this weekend (one game I’m really interested in watching). Tried to watch the new show, Doc on Fox network. It was okay but I kept thinking why don’t they get the brain doctor from the show on the other network to come help her, LOL. Doubt I’ll keep up with it.

On My To Do List

Nothing overly exciting: pay bills, clean house, go with the masses to wash my car & fill up the gas tank on one of the 40 degree days. Trying to take January slow and just go with the pace of winter.

New Recipe I Tried Or Want To Try

Trying out the Blueberry French Toast bake that Carrie from Northwoods Scrapbook mentioned last week.

From The Camera

Pretty much an inside weekend. As much as I want to get out and hike in the snow, it’s been too cold and I have to be mindful of the fact that underneath the snow is ice. Maybe Thursday, I’ll get a chance to get out somewhere. So, long way to say nothing exciting here.

Quote for the Week

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)


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