Hometown Happiness

Happy Friday! If you were visiting and flipped on the news this morning, you’d notice the news people all in red because around here it’s happy red Friday! Every Friday during Chiefs season is red Friday.

The local morning news (actually, it was past the news time so just the morning show) anchors were doing serious trash talking this morning. It made me smile. Just something I enjoy about our city.

Took a moment to think about all the little things I love about living in this area. What are some of your favorite things about where you live? (Or if you want, where you grew up?) If I was visiting, where would we go? What kinds of things would we do?


My answers: One of my favorite things about this area is the variety. And most the people are nice, we say hello in passing on the trails, even to strangers. Someone will usually hold the door for you. Be prepared to talk about the weather a lot.

Want to go for a walk in the woods? We can do that! Want to go to an urban downtown area? We can do that (confession here: Not something I do very often if at all, I’d have to get my older son to help out with suggestions). Sporting event? We can do that though I may need to win the lottery for good seats and in some cases, any seats at certain venues. You like art? Oh, we have lots of places that cover that. History? We can visit a museum or two. Craving more of a small town type experience? Lots of downtown areas that are more city square type places not far away at all.

The Kansas City area is spread out and is in both Missouri and Kansas. Lots of smaller cities/suburbs comprise what we call the Kansas City Metro Area. For the record though, The Kansas City Chiefs play in Kansas City, Missouri. (Bit of rivalry between the cities in the two states as you might imagine)


Bonus question: What kinds of things would you like to explore or do if you came here to visit?

One Reply to “Hometown Happiness”

  1. I’d love to say I still live in my hometown, but we left there when I was 9 months old and headed to your hometown where the rest of the family was and then left there when I was 2 1/2 for southern California where I grew up in a small town I LOVED. But, that small town grew into something unrecognizable and no place you want to raise a family. We left there for a small mountain town and commuted for work. We eventually left even there when the chaos won… ultimately we landed here in the Pacific North West and I adore the weather and the people. There isn’t as much to do, but there is a lot of outdoorsy things to do. The area is growing, but not in a good way necessarily so will have to wait and see.

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