Hot Chocolate and Hot Weather

Okay, maybe hot weather is relative. Snow melting, no coat in January weather? The first super early round of mud season is upon us weather? Hello, potholes weather (actually, that weather’s been here for a bit!). A fool’s spring definitely.

Quick post as it was a long day, I make my own schedule so why would I agree to close one day and open the next? Ugh. Not bad days but I’m tired.

Hot Chocolate of the Week:

Not a hit with me even with marshmallows added. And I typically do like Dove chocolates (though to be fair, I’m a dark chocolate fan much more than milk chocolate). I think this came from my work Christmas gift. Hoping I’ve not ruined quick hot chocolate for myself by making those homemade versions! I made this Sunday when it was cooler out.

Hot Weather (for January)

It’s beautiful and sunny outside except it’s also oh so muddy! Lots of snow from a blizzard makes lots of mud when it melts. Just a reminder that this was our weather just last week on Tuesday:

So between the two, I’ll take the warmer weather. That said I’ve seen this meme numerous places to the point I’m not sure how to credit the original author but it’s extremely accurate:

What season is it where you are?


4 Replies to “Hot Chocolate and Hot Weather”

  1. Hello my Lovely!
    I think we’re in the same season as you. Lol It’s supposed to be 40* and gorgeous here today – unheard of in the northwoods this time of year. But then snow and cold to come ahead of course.
    I hope you’re not ruined from making so many good homemade hot chocolates too! I have had pod hot cocoa in the keurig and only good if make half a cup so more concentrated. I like the dove dark chocolates better too!
    Blessings on the weekend ahead dear Gal. xoxo

    1. Hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather. We’ve had a rainy couple of days but this weekend is supposed to be in the 50’s, somewhere I saw a 60 for Sunday! I know we’re not done with the cold quite yet, probably get it again in a couple weeks. Oh, thanks for the Keurig tip, glad to know it wasn’t just me who didn’t like that. Hope you’ve had a great week, we’ve made it to Friday! Happy Weekend!

  2. It seems very wet and muddy here too. I dread letting the dog out, despite putting down towels in the conservatory, he still walks in mud. I have a bowl of water and flannel (washcloth) at the ready but sometimes I leave him sitting on the towels for 20 mins whilst I run the hoover round. I try to squeeze in a hot chocolate every day too. Have a good weekend x
