Last Wednesday of Winter

Just think, next Wednesday will be a completely different season. Spring! This is my last winter Wednesday post until maybe late December?

Honestly, besides the weather, it’s not been the best day. So, let’s just start with that.

The Weather

With apologies to those of you currently buried in snow. It’s 60 degrees and mostly cloudy here. Earlier there was a decent amount of sunshine. The wind has picked up as I can hear it whistling outside. Probably time to bring the houseplants back inside from their mini-vacation.

It is supposed to get cold and snow (lightly) Thursday night into Friday.

Goodbye, Winter

I’ve been composing a bit of a goodbye letter to winter in my mind all day. It goes something like this:

Dear Winter,

Thanks for your lovely visit. We’ve had lots of fun watching a few snowflakes and thoroughly enjoyed the fun surprise gifts of those super warm days. However, I hear spring sent ahead some luggage in the form of crocuses, beautiful daffodils, and tiny purple flowers to color the yard. The birds are building nests. And I’m afraid, it’s time for you to be on your way. Please make sure you pack up all your things. I’d hate for you to have to return all the way back here for a late snowstorm in the spring. Enjoy your time in the southern hemisphere. If you want to bring us back something, we wouldn’t object to a white Christmas. 

Safe travels!

Other Things About Today

Car troubles, miscommunications, arguments…sigh. I’ll stop there because I can’t say anything nice at the moment. This meme made me smile though.

How are you spending this very last Wednesday of winter?


Day 72/365


