Lazy Saturday

I’m finding Saturdays are the hardest day for me to post. Today is no exception. Not much going on around here. I’m just having a lazy Saturday so far. Too unmotivated to even bother taking a newer picture of the cat. Here’s one from February 2022.

Not much to share. A picture of Chelsey because I’ve yet to teach her the days of the week. So, a great big meow in my ear at 6:00am to start the day. Thankfully, this morning I did go back to sleep for a bit. Helped she gave up on rousing me and settled down on top of me with the purr motor going.

I did do a quick clean up in the kitchen to get that room back to an acceptable level of horror. And have a bit of laundry in progress. Mostly though I’ve been either reading my book or watching tv this morning.

Still need to shower and get set for the day. Or rather the afternoon at this point. Dinner out with friends this evening.

Hoping to come around and visit all the lovely blogs at some point tomorrow. Just wanted to do this quick post to stay on track with the whole 365 days of blogging.


day 34/365

4 Replies to “Lazy Saturday”

    1. Thank you. We did have a nice night and fun time playing games with our friends after dinner. Stayed out too late and I’m tired again today though.

    1. I do think that’s how this blog 365 thing might end up going. Some days/weeks lots of ideas and others a struggle. Thank you, she really keeps us on our toes.
