
The leaves are really starting to fall from the trees now.

I wonder how many more days until the trees are bare on my morning (or afternoon) walks.

The unpaved path yesterday was completely covered with leaves. I had to be careful not to trip as there are quite a few tree roots I could no longer see.

They are starting to cover the paved path as well though the wind clears it a bit better. Big leaves, as well.

Each time I go out on my walks I usually take some photos of leaves that catch my eye. So, I thought I’d just share a few (probably too many) in this post. 

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. (Albert Camus)

I almost thought these little green leaves were fake the way they stood out against all the brown.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this post of a little leaf love.


6 Replies to “Leaves”

  1. Oh Jean, that’s a post after my own heart. I think I’ll join in with an autumn leaves post next week. I love it so much. It’s a bit sad but also. But there are already new buds for spring leaves on the trees (the oak). I just noticed that. And that brings a happy feeling 🍂😊

  2. I love the leaves in the Fall so much and I’m always sad to see them go. But then I think of the gratitude I have for the cycle of seasons. And how special the leaves are while they’re here. They wouldn’t be so special if here all the time, right? (but I still miss them and I’ll dream on them until next Autumn!) 😉

    1. Yes, I agree. If we didn’t have the seasons I don’t think we’d appreciate each one quite as much. Hope you are getting ready for a great weekend!
