List of Twenty-Two Items for 2022

Here’s my list of twenty-two items for 2022. Each year going back to 2019, I think, maybe earlier, I’ve made a list of items to complete for the year. Am I successful each year? On a few, yes. On others, not so much. Yet I do enjoy the challenge and taking time to put a bit of thought into the upcoming year.

Usually the number of items correlates to the number of the year although 2,022 items might be pushing things! So, just the last 2 digits. And last year, keeping in mind my word of “less”, I made a shorter list. However, this year I’m back to making a list of the full number.

Some items on my list are repeats from the previous years while I’ve also added new ones. Suppose I should start with a review of last year’s list.

A Quick Glance At My Short List from 2021

  1. Read 72 books I read 98 books!
  2. Join in for every single Happy Homemaker Monday post I think I came close
  3. Keep a kindness journal Focus on ways to be kind to my family Still have room to improve here
  4. Serve a vegetable with every main meal in addition to/instead of potatoes Try one in season new vegetable each week Why wasn’t this easier? Room to improve
  5. Eat dinner together at the table as a family Tuesday through Thursday See above
  6. Buy and savor a “fancy” (read expensive) magazine each quarter (so 4 times)  I think I did this 3x
  7. Spend at least 5 minutes outside every day  Maybe too vague? I don’t know. 
  8. Observe one sugar free week each quarter (sensing a theme with the quarterly things here) Tried 2-3 times with mixed results
  9. Follow a nightly skincare regime Turned this into a morning routine instead
  10. Learn a craft FAIL
  11. Participate in Rudolph day on the 25th of each month Room to improve, trying again in 2022
  12. Save and preserve my old blog, So Not Organized (maybe in book form or on a flash drive?) I moved it to a free Word press site but wished I’d done this the way I started with simply moving posts over here as something happened and all my pictures from that blog are gone. Live and learn I suppose. Still have the posts at least.

So not the best set of results from last year. However, I’m excited about my list of twenty-two so let’s just move on to it.


 My List of Twenty-Two Items for 2022

List of 22 items

  1. Join in for every Happy Homemaker Monday
  2. Read 82 books
  3. Follow the Fly Lady Plan (Adapting the days to work for my schedule)
  4. Learn to use the laptop computer (my son gave me his old one in the summer and I’ve ignored it)
  5. Host Easter brunch
  6. Celebrate Rudolph Day each month with a bit of Christmas planning
  7. Share gratitude each week with a Thankful Thursday post
  8. Drink a minimum of 3 glasses of water a day
  9. Go on a vacation
  10. Take at least 3 “people” pictures for each major holiday/occasion
  11. Make a photo book of 2021 and then delete all the pictures off the computer (or put them on a flash drive)
  12. Frame J’s all-district band photos (the one from 2019 and the one from 2021 when we get it)
  13. Use it up and/or  throw it out before buying new (with things like wrapping paper for example)
  14. Add in an evening skin care routine
  15. Try one new restaurant each month as a family
  16. Go through one bin in the basement each week (to clear out and declutter)
  17. Fix wedding ring
  18. Organize Pinterest boards by actually trying pins and deleting ones that are no longer relevant
  19. Start doing yoga again
  20. Make a better effort to reach out and connect with friends and family
  21. Create a master list of family birthdays 
  22. Take the coffee cup advice and enjoy myself (I use this coffee cup a lot of work days as a reminder to myself to just enjoy the time with the preschool kids)

What you think? Do you make lists like this? How’d you do in 2021? What are you excited to add to your 2022 list?

Happy New Year!


6 Replies to “List of Twenty-Two Items for 2022”

  1. 98 books!!! WOW! :O You must be a speed reader! Good job on what you accomplished in 2021! (high five) Are you guys getting the snow? I didn’t think that we were going to get anything but COLD, but it’s snowing now and coming down pretty good. I’m thankful! I could do with a bit of winter. Happy New Year to you and yours and may 2022 be a better year for all of us! Blessings, my friend!

    1. I do read fast but some were probably pretty short e-books. Plus, I have an advantage of needing to wait on J’s baritone lesson every Monday-a solid 30 minutes once a week to read. Usually, I come home and keep reading if nothing else pressing is going on around here. It snowed all day but it’s hard to judge how much we got. It was that really fine stuff (and started as ice but the pellet kind, not the rain kind) so it doesn’t look like more than a couple inches maybe. Cold though, currently 13 degrees! As much as I love summer, I was also happy for a dose of winter. Need the balance, the cold to appreciate the heat I love so much. Happy New Year and yes, let’s pray that 2022 is a much better year for us all.

  2. Hello! Happy and Blessed New Year! I love this idea. And I am with you on many. The water! I always need to drink more! And I am also going to work on my skincare routine. I am good in the morning, but slack in the evening! And I love love love to read! I hope you have a cozy afternoon and a great week ahead, my friend.
    Billie Jo recently posted…The Week In BetweenMy Profile

    1. Happy New Year! Yes, why is it so hard to remember to drink enough water? I’m admittedly lacking in a whole evening routine, thinking on that one a bit lately. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your Sunday!

  3. I absolutely love this idea! I think I’ll join in and follow suit. 😀 Good luck on your list and I love that you’re not putting pressure on yourself – it’s the same reason I don’t do new year’s resolutions any more – life changes too fast and too much to be too rigid. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you! I wish I could take credit for the idea but it’s from Gretchen Rubin (author of the Happiness Project, Happier at Home, etc). She started doing this in 2018 or 2019, I think. Anyway, yes, I don’t do a lot of pressure to start things on January 1. After all, the Christmas season lasts until January 6, right? 🙂
