Local Fun, Flavor, and Random Bits

We’ve made it to Friday! It’s a rainy dreary day here and I’m still a bit shocked to find myself with an unscheduled day. No complaints about it though. G’s under the weather and working from home so I’ve enjoyed a few “water cooler” chats with him and J. Ha, they probably wouldn’t even know what I meant by that. Going to have to ask in a bit.

Time for another Five on Friday. Don’t forget to go check it out over at My Creative Life!

After a few days of working (actually, I think I worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and yesterday), I really only have my Monday photos of the Fan Zone at Union Station to share so sorry (not really) to all the non-Chiefs fans out there. Don’t run away though, Union Station in Kansas City is a beautiful historical building (you can probably see it beyond the Chiefs pictures).

Here’s the backside of Union Station as viewed from the parking garage (they usually only show the front with the lights and flags on TV):

ONE: Fan Zone at Union Station

I mentioned in my Happy Homemaker Monday post how I talked my husband into going to the Fan Zone at Union Station with me. This is just inside the station entry where they put Chiefs signs and such for fan photo ops. It’s fun and free (not counting parking fees).

TWO: Photos My Husband Took

My husband took better photos really than I did of the Fan Zone. Also, you can see on the left edge there, the shirts hanging, a store inside the station where you bet I bought an AFC West Championship tee-shirt. And yes, that’s me on the right there. And sitting in the chair in the next photo. 

THREE: Union Station Architecture

Here’s some for the non-sports fans (note: some Chiefs stuff may still show in these photos)

photo credit to my husband on this one as well


FOUR: Local Flavor

Our city goes all out for the Chiefs right down to the ice cream flavors!

This is from a local ice cream shop but they were selling it in the grocery store. A little (Okay, a lot) expensive but they’d marked it down so I picked it up to try. Wow, it was so good.

FIVE: Random Bits from the Week

A picture of “Taylor’s boyfriend” that has nothing to do with the rest of the text under this heading.

As I said, I worked on Tuesday, Wednesday, and yesterday this week. And if you don’t believe it, let me tell you preschooler conversations are the best for making you have hope for humanity (much needed lately!), laugh, and shake your head. Sometimes all at once!

Overheard lunchtime conversation:  First kid:  They had to slice my mom open and pull me out of her tummy!  Second kid: WELL, my mom had to poop me out her *correct word that starts with V*

And then, they were on to a new topic, probably about the actual lunch or Bluey or who knows what.

My co-teacher and I looked at each other trying so hard not to give into fits of laughter!

A hopeful conversation: Little boy told me, did you know they used to not let people who looked different go to school?! That’s just not right. Cause we’re all the same on the inside.


There’s happiness, laughter, and hope for the future out there. Hope you see a glimpse of it this weekend!

Oh, and one last thing: GO CHIEFS! COME ON 3-PEAT!


10 Replies to “Local Fun, Flavor, and Random Bits”

  1. Thanks for joining me for Five on Friday Jean. Lovely to see a photo of you. I pictured you as blond… no idea why! I think I followed from your post on – what’s on your kitchen table… or something like that. There were flowers, I do remember that.
    Whenever I read Debbie Macomber books, she’s always talking about American football… Seattle Seahawks I think 🤔
    Have a good weekend x

    1. Thank you! I think I had dishwater blond hair maybe as a 5 year old but ever since then, nope…brown. Oh, I do remember posting about my kitchen table and flowers on it, that was quite a while back, thanks for sticking with me 🙂 That’s definitely a team (we don’t like them ’round here because they tried to take the loudest stadium record from us, ours is still louder.) Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

    1. For some reason, I want to say it’s always been something like Five on Friday, the only other phrasing that comes to mind is maybe “The Friday Five?”

  2. Just wow Jean!
    That Union Station is beautiful!! Loved all the pics -and so nice to see you in some. 🙂
    I get the love – as you know my love for Lambeau and all things Packers. I promise to visit Union Station someday if you promise to get to Lambeau one day. Lol 😉
    The kiddos conversations cracked me up!! Just precious.
    I hope G is feeling better. Blessings on your week ahead.

    1. Thank you! They’ve actually updated some of the photo props since we went but I don’t think I’ll get my husband back there unless they win the Super Bowl and maybe not then. We definitely have a deal about the visiting. Everybody seems to be healthy again around here. Hope you have a great week!

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