Nonfood Smells

I stole this post idea from a radio program I heard on the way home from work yesterday. They were talking about their favorite nonfood smells.  The idea was that most of us love the smell of fresh baked cookies or bread but what about our favorite smells that aren’t food related.

Some of the ones mentioned on the program:

  1. fresh-cut grass
  2. the smell of gasoline
  3. a crisp fall morning
  4. your significant other
  5. sunscreen
  6. brand-new books
  7. a grandparent’s basement
  8. air conditioning right as it starts in the car.

A wide range. Some seemed weird to me until they explained. For example, gasoline reminded them of trips to the lake and filling up the boat for boat rides.

Here are a few of my favorites in no particular order.

  1. Hot asphalt
  2. Laundry fresh out of the dryer
  3. Summer rain after a hot day (just summer, fall rain smell different)
  4. Plants and flowers right after they’ve been watered (especially herbs)
  5. Lavender, mint, and sage…

I think my answers have a theme: outside or clean. Hot asphalt is my odd one, I guess. It reminds me of working a few summers at a local amusement park, happy memories.

What are some of your favorite nonfood smells? And all this talk of smells made me think of another one of my favorite childhood books. Did anyone else ever have this wonderful story?

PS: Am I the only person left who actually listens to the regular car radio? Just wondering…



6 Replies to “Nonfood Smells”

  1. Well, this is a neat idea! Some of those first ones! Sunscreen and gasoline are two of my least favorite smells! I will search the country for a sunscreen that doesn’t smell! I like a couple of your favorites: fresh laundry and summer rain! I know exactly what you mean by summer rain. It is different. A couple of mine would be cilantro!!!! I love that!!! Also, chrism oil at mass, and my very favorite smell in the world? A freshly bathed baby slathered in Baby Magic Lotion! Thanks for a fun post today!

    1. Oh, the Baby Magic lotion smell. I forgot about that one 🙂 I actually do like the smell of sunscreen but maybe that’s because I’m a summer person? Hope you’ve had a great week!

  2. What a fun idea! I love yours – especially once you explained the asphalt one. Lol
    I think some of mine might include:
    – fresh flowers – like roses – that remind me of special bouquets & grandparent’s garden
    – books for sure
    – scrapbooking papers and stickers
    – vanilla perfume (because my Annie always wears one like that)
    – a baby’s head
    – the lake (it definitely has its own smell)
    – Fall woods/leaves….kind of that sweet decay smell symbolizing my favorite season
    – campfires or wood smoke

    Thanks for sharing! That was fun. 🙂

    1. I went back and forth on including vanilla as I didn’t know if it would count as food but I do love the smell of vanilla. Vanilla perfume sounds intriguing! And yes, I love the smell of fresh flowers as well.

    1. It’s a cute book, scratch and sniff book. I got the question for the local pop radio station (what I usually have on in the car).

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