Welcome again to Winter Thursday! Oops. I ended up working all day yesterday. Since the weather was insanely warm, I really wasn’t in the mood for hot chocolate.
Next Wednesday is actually the last Wednesday of Winter though technically it’s already meteorological spring (and feels like summer almost).
Look it’s a summer bloom!
(Full disclosure: I’ve had a little geranium plant inside all winter and it decided to bloom this week)
Enjoy the above photo because the hot chocolate ones aren’t great.
Chai White Hot Chocolate
Yes, you read that right. I tried a white hot chocolate recipe (sort of…)
This chai white hot chocolate recipe inspired me today. However, I think most of you know how I feel about white chocolate (an abomination!) so I didn’t have any on hand. What I did have handy was this:
Going to be honest, I “stole” this from my older son. Someone gave it to him for Christmas but I know he wasn’t interested and it’s been sitting in the kitchen since before Christmas so I claimed it.
Basically, I followed the beginning of the recipe I linked up there, steeping my tea bag in the warm milk for 5 minutes. (And I only had green chai so that’s what I used). Then, stirred in the little mix pictured above.
The little sprinkles all melted into the hot chocolate except for the silver nonpareils which were at the bottom of the cup as a nice little crunchy surprise.
My Thoughts:
I didn’t hate it. It reminded me a bit of the chai lattes I sometimes get at the coffee shop. Afterthought here: I should have added vanilla. Also, if you’re a chai latte kind of person, next time order a vanilla chai latte, takes it up a notch! Did this on barista advice and it was great. And now, back to the hot white hot chocolate review.
As you can see in the photo up there, I opted to skip the whipped cream. Wasn’t in the mood. Also, my cup doesn’t look quite as full because J wanted to try it and so poured a small amount into another cup. He didn’t hate it either and said it was way better than the evaporated milk hot chocolate from a couple of weeks ago.
We both did agree though that it was the chai that saved it. I don’t think either of us would’ve enjoyed white hot chocolate by itself. Maybe hatred of white chocolate is a genetic thing like with the people who think cilantro tastes soapy?
It’s not something I’d want all the time but if more white hot chocolate mixes come our way, I’ll know just what to do!