
While we’re waiting for snow-maggedon over here in KC, I’m still pondering my word of the year for 2025.

Right now, we’re getting ice. It’s actually pretty nasty out with lots of major highways shut down. I’m very glad I ran to the grocery store this morning (we were out of milk anyway) and that we’re all safe at home tonight. No exciting pictures to share, just a couple of plant pictures I took maybe yesterday when the sun was out for a few minutes in the late morning/early afternoon.

Back to my word of the year for 2025. As I said, I’m still pondering. I have narrowed it down to the following choices:


Being more open to whatever opportunities might come my way. Also being open with others, sharing what’s on my mind. Taking chances.


Slow down and notice things, make a point to enjoy the year. A direct attempt to not look up and go “where did this day/week/month go?” like I often did in 2024.


Ask for the things I want and need without fear. All that can happen is an answer of no.


Just trust that everything will work out. Fun fact, I took a word finder quiz and it gave me the word surrender. That sounded a bit too hard but I don’t know is that the same as trust? Hmm…


Sort of explains itself, I think. Though a phrase, joy in the journey keeps springing to mind.


So as I ponder which one gets most of my focus in 2025, tell me did you pick a word for the year? What was your choice?

Or if not, do you have any suggestions for me or favorites from my choices listed up there?



4 Replies to “Pondering”

  1. Hello my dear Jean and Happy 2025 to you and yours!!
    I do a word for the year too. I think it’s a way to still grow and kind of have a goal/purpose to focus on…but there isn’t any failure set into it. Always a plus. Lol I love all of your choices! Especially the more fun ones of savor and joy. 🙂
    I hope that you’ve been having a wonderful holiday season. Sorry about your Chiefs but I think you guys will still be fine. I think I”m putting my money on the Chiefs and the Lions in the Superbowl. 😉
    And please feel free to send some of that snow up our way. We need it badly! Hope you’re staying cozy and safe.
    New Year blessings to you. 🙏🏻✨

    1. Oh, the Chiefs and Lions would be a fun Superbowl. We’ll see if we get there. Savor was actually the first of my word of the year choices when I started thinking of them. Don’t want to rush the year. Hope you get some snow soon, I’ve enjoyed it the past couple days but the being stuck due to road conditions is losing its appeal fast. I think our roads are probably a little better now though most schools are still doing “alternate instruction” days. So glad they were simply snow days when I was a kid. Hope your first full week of 2025 is off to an amazing start!
