Red Snow Day

Have you ever seen red snow? Me either. However, it’s what they call it when the hometown football team wins the Super Bowl and they cancel almost all the schools so parents/kids/staff can attend the victory parade.

Note, I said almost all schools. Most of the public schools closed for today. However, no red snow at my work where I’ll be today. Hoping we might find a way to watch the parade but if not, that’s okay as well.

The Weather

While we aren’t really getting red snow (unless it’s in the form of confetti), we are under a winter weather advisory starting at 9PM tonight. Right now though it’s pretty mild for February around here, 38 degrees and cloudy.


Hopefully, I’ll be spending part of this winter Wednesday outside with the preschool kids before the weather moves into our area. (I know it says 9PM tonight but they don’t always get the timing of things right around here)

Is it odd that I don’t have spring fever any more? And wouldn’t mind just a touch of winter weather? I thought it was so strange yesterday driving through the park how it still looks like fall and not winter even now near the end of the season. (32 days if you’re counting down to spring)

Yesterday, I lost my voice, it’s still pretty scratchy and I’m pretty tired today. Looking forward to the end of the day when I can come home and relax for a few days at least.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to share posts that are bit more polished the next few days as well. And of course, visit all of you. Trying to sneak a few visits in the this morning but I do need to watch my time!

What are you doing on this winter Wednesday?


Day 45/365

6 Replies to “Red Snow Day”

  1. There’s a lot of excitement going on up there right now and I’m wishing that I was right in the middle of it! I love today’s photo! Good choice! I’m sorry you, personally, didn’t get a red snow day though. If you miss the parade, though, surely you’ll be able to watch it later on YouTube or something.

    As for the weather, you guys have had a lot more winter events up there this year than we have down here. As of last night they were predicting a high of 67 for today, but they have since lowered it to 58. Still not bad for mid-February. We do have a chance of rain, and maybe a light wintery mix, overnight, but the chances are low.

    I’m sorry you’ve got a scratchy throat and are feeling tired. It makes for a long day for sure, but it will be nice when you get in tonight and can rest for a few days. Thoughts and prayers are headed your way.

    My plans for today here include cleaning, washing the bedding, running errands, and getting in a visit with my oldest daughter.

    Have a great day, Jean, and enjoy the red blizzard over Kansas City! Blessings! <3

    1. We watched bits of it during the afternoon pre-k class. I still need to go back and find it somewhere to watch though. We didn’t get our snow day yesterday though it was fairly icy on the car in the morning. We get the spring like weather back for the weekend. Thinking it’s just going to be a mild winter. The temptation to plant too early is going to be strong this year. Hope you had a great visit with your daughter!

  2. Yes. Winter, please! This weather is weird. And I swear it is making me sick. Sore throat, itchy eyes, tired! Anyway, enjoy the celebrations!!!!

    1. Oh, all those symptoms sound way too familiar. Hope you are feeling better! I’ve been downing the black elderberry syrup and green tea all week long. Along with some chocolate b/c that helps as well. I want winter for a tiny bit but I certainly don’t want it at the end of March/beginning of April.

  3. Hope you were able to catch a bit of the parade! That sounds fun 🙂 I am also wanting winter!!! Yesterday it was in the 60s — I was outside barefoot and in a tee-shirt. That’s crazy for this area in February!

    1. We watched a bit of it (recorded as it was at noon) during the afternoon pre-k class at work. Our weather has been very strange this year though they were talking on the news last night how this time last year, we had our biggest snow storm of the season. So far, nothing predicted. We had a bit of ice/snow yesterday but it’s back to warm weather for our weekend. So strange to read things like “The Snowy Day” at work when there’s not really any snow anywhere!
