Seasonal Changes

After a brutal (mostly) dry and hot summer, our temps are dropping this week. The first freeze advisory of the season comes on Tuesday.

(Note: Above photo is from last year, trees around here haven’t changed that much yet.)

Lots of things I’ve been putting off that need to happen. Plants brought inside. Clothing located. Should probably do a heater check (make sure the heat works before the temps drop crazy cold).

Do you live where the seasons change? Would you rather live where the seasons change or where they are pretty much the same year round?

Do you store you cold winter clothes separately and pull them out at a certain time of year? When do you typically do it?


My answers:

Yes, the seasons change here. Sometimes all in the same day! Summer lingered a bit this year. I really don’t think I could handle living somewhere the seasons didn’t change. Even though summer is my favorite, I would definitely miss the other 3 seasons!

I do store my winter (and fall) clothes separately. Honestly, I’ve learned to wait before switching things out too much. And because our seasons sometimes swing wildly from warm to cold, I typically keep out one or two outfits for each season.


2 Replies to “Seasonal Changes”

  1. Hooray for this lovely blog! I love autumn and not summer. When autumn arrives, I wake up from my summer slumber.

    My winter clothes are in a closet in the hallway, so I can easily grab them. I’ve already taken some out, and I’m buying new things on Vinted. Vinted is an online platform where people can buy, sell, or swap secondhand clothing and accessories. It’s a great way to find unique items while promoting sustainability!


  2. Aw, thank you. I’m usually the opposite in being more a fan of summer. Summer is when I feel like I come to life and autumn starts my hibernation feelings (LOL). I’m trying to do better with the autumn/winter months though. I did notice quite a difference in my mood with my walking last year, if I could just get back into the habit. Schedule changes are challenging sometimes. Keep my seasonal clothes in vacuum sealed bags under the bed. Have a few fall pieces out but it’s probably time to dig out a few sweaters as well now. Really enjoying hearing your answers to my questions.
