Sometimes I Just Need

Whew, it’s been a rather rough past couple of days. Nothing big, just life.

Sometimes I just need:

An unhurried morning spent in pajamas drinking coffee ignoring all the have-to’s and need-to’s

To take the time to stick my nose in the fresh flowers and just inhale the scent

A moment sitting in the sun streaming in the windows beside “the jungle” of plants

To stop, take a breath, and know it’s a new day, soon to be a new week, a new month.

To remember this bible verse:

Humble yourself under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:6-7)


day 28/365




8 Replies to “Sometimes I Just Need”

    1. Thank you. I’m hoping that next week is better. Wish I could send the scent of the flowers through my post as well 🙂

    1. Thank you! Sorry to hear you had a difficult week as well. Hoping we both have a much better week ahead!

  1. Wow – you have the loveliest photos on your blog! I so wish I could capture life so nicely in every day photos!! Hope you have a blessed week ahead!

    1. Aw, thank you for such kind words! I have quite a few blurred/not so pretty photos that I don’t share on here. Hope you have a wonderful week as well!
