Thankful for the Rain

It’s been a rainy spring break week. And it’s still rainy out there today! Cold, too.  I’m thankful it’s not snowing.  I do appreciate the help the rains offer in turning the world green and helping the flowers bloom. Can’t mind the free car wash either (hello, pollen season and we won’t talk about a few of those naughty birds!).

Now that the weather report is out of the way, is it already time for another Thankful Thursday post? The week of J’s spring break has been nice and calm but also very fast!

Lots of things to be thankful from last Thursday to this one.

A chance to go out and try a new (to us) restaurant. What a burger! Mixed reviews from the 3 of us (G had to work) but I liked it.

A bit of spring cleaning and kitchen updating (replacing of light fixtures)

A lazy, no pressure kind of week. So very much needed!

Constant reminders in devotion readings to not worry and give control to God. Something I stubbornly struggle to do. 

A small break in the rain one day giving me a chance to quickly soak up a tiny bit of sun. Plus, walk around the yard and glimpse the slumbering plants slowly awakening.

Also, time to plant my new climbing rose before the rain returned.

And take a quick trip to my happy place, a garden center. Too early for much but how could I resist picking up some early bloomers for my hanging basket?

I’m happy and thankful for the flowers and blooms soon to cover the gardens and my front porch. T

More Thankfulness

Thinking of all the flowers and seeing my day lilies (not pictured) start to return makes me think of a very good friend of mine. We went to the day lily farm together last summer. I’m thankful for her friendship and that her knee replacement surgery yesterday went well.

Thankful for the glimpse of a young Cooper’s hawk sitting a top my bird feeder yesterday. And happy he flew away to get dinner elsewhere.

Nothing more renewing than a couple hours of work at the preschool and the enthusiasm of the kids who missed you almost as much as you’ve been missing them. And I’m very thankful for the opportunity to do a little bit of work training. Even more thankful that this technology-challenged person figured out how to do Zoom on my phone. New respect as well for the kids doing school that way.

Very thankful I attended school when all was “in person” as I found it very hard to concentrate and participate via online.

Though my plan today is to get a few things done, I am very thankful for coffee, books, and binge able TV shows. Sorry, Outlander, I have a date with some survivalist and zombies later (Walking Dead). And lastly, I’m beyond grateful to live in a country where I can do or not do such trivial things without worries about my basic survival.

Now, I’m off to light my “sunshine and daffodils” candle to see if I can’t summon either one of those two things for the weekend.

What are you thankful for today?




2 Replies to “Thankful for the Rain”

  1. Hello, my friend. A lovely list of thankfuls. I am thankful for blog friends like you, my family, and the therapist who has helped me with my anxiety. And spring! Hugs!
