Thankful Snow Day Thursday

Late getting to my Thankful Thursday. We’ve been having a snow day!  thankful

And I’ve been mostly enjoying the laziness of it. Slept in a bit. Thankful that J’s school and my preschool both called things off last night instead of early this morning. Baked banana bread. Read in my book. Watched the snow and the birds at the feeders. Debated looking up a recipe for blackbird pie. SIGH.

Still, enjoyed watching the significant snow fall and blow around from the warm comfort of my home. Thankful for that. Glad to not be driving in the mess. G’s work also closed so I’m also grateful my 20 year old son is also safe at home today.

Husband still went to work and said more people were on the road than needed to be there. Thankful he made it to work and home for lunch, then back and home again safely. And that he shoveled the front porch and the driveway so we didn’t need to mess with it.

Last week and this one had a few ups and downs but overall it was a good week with lots of things to list. However, I’m sick of making numbered lists. Might go back to the numbered lists next week but changing it up this week.



G out of the blue brought me a Baja Blast from Taco Bell last week. He’d stopped on his way home from work. It’s my favorite drink and oh so bad for me. However, I drank it and loved every sip. I’m so filled with gratitude that he’s so thoughtful.

My husband working hard and agreeing to start taking J to school to see if that improved things. I think it did. At least it improved my stress levels a bit though I’ll be honest the control freak in my struggles to stay out of the way.

J is starting to feel a bit better (I think, hope, pray). He made it to school a day and half last week. And 2 and half days this week (snow days don’t count).

Chelsey (our little gray cat) always keeping us on our toes. She keeps me in line and keeps them calm. And keeps us all laughing at times.

Friends thankful

A phone call and a chance to talk to an understanding friend about everything going on with J.

A very sweet “in the mail” card from the same friend

Catching up with other friends at Bunco and just enjoying being out socializing.


Covering just half a day in the afternoon last week, another teacher helping me out with a “wardrobe malfunction” Ah, hormones. Enough said. SIGH. Thankful things weren’t worse.

Working for just a few hours on Monday and getting to spend most of it soaking up the beautiful weather (prior to our snowstorm today, temps had been in the mid 50’s to low 60’s). Finding out the reason I didn’t get called into help with the Valentine’s parties (it wasn’t me, didn’t figure it was but nice to know for sure) thankful


Nature soothes my soul. I think that’s a rip off on a John Muir quote. I’m feeling too lazy to look it up tonight. However, I am so happy and grateful that I made time to go on a nice walk around the park close to my work yesterday. Usually, I drive through it and it’d been a while since I walked the path around the lake (pictured above).

Weather nice enough in February to take a walk with my camera wearing only a sweatshirt (note: and pants! I also wore pants. And shoes.)

Having a nice camera to capture the scene, birds, and other creatures. Yesterday, I saw beautiful changing skies. thankful

A chipmunk.

And a cardinal building a nest, I think. Ducks. Geese. Turtles. Bluebirds! (Saving most the bird pictures for Saturday)


This list might seem a bit shorter since I didn’t number the items. However, I assure you I found so many moments to stop and be grateful during the course of the week. Just never started a list on the computer. Sometimes it’s nice to just have gratitude in the moment don’t you think?

What things are you grateful for today?






2 Replies to “Thankful Snow Day Thursday”

  1. I am grateful that your son is doing ok with school, my friend. I am also grateful for my home, family, and health. And that the sun is shining today!

    1. Thank you! Those are all wonderful things. We’re on a second day in a row of pure sunshine (it’s so nice). Hope your new week is off to a wonderful start!
