Twenty Five for 2025

I didn’t do this officially last year but decided to circle back to the idea this year. A list of 25 things I want to do in 2025. I think I just like the number 25 for some reason. Makes me think of a quarter. Quarter hours. Doing things for just 15 minutes. Four quarters in a dollar. The four seasons in a year.

And I like how it divides into 5 neat little sections of 5 as well.

Anyway, here’s my list (some of these have been on lists before and I keep adding them, maybe this is the year for those things!) that I’m dividing into 5 sections of 5 just because it seems fun. And yes, some of these are vague. Sorry, I’m a rebel so all you S.M.A.R.T. goal people just take a deep breath when you read those. All my photos are random, also. Taken yesterday on my New Year’s Day walk.

25 for 2025


Health and Wellness
  1. Go on a walk at least once a week
  2. Lose 25 pounds (might as well give it a try but I’m not going insane on this item)
  3. Spend at least 15 minutes each day in gratitude (might start a gratitude journal, not sure)
  4. Remember to drink water on days I don’t work! I struggle with this.
  5. Give myself permission to rest on days I feel run down 
Fun Things
  1. Try a new flavor hot chocolate every week in winter
  2. Send a card/letter to someone each week (birthday cards count here)
  3. Fresh flowers for the kitchen table once a month
  4. Have a spa day at least once a month
  5. Treat myself to something fun once a month, maybe on the 25th?
Bravery Required
  1. Get my ears pierced!
  2. Say YES to invitations (unless I really want to say no, then I’m allowed but maybes are yes)
  3. Make overdue appointments
  4. Take car through automatic car wash by myself (honestly, this terrifies me!)
  5. Ask for help when I need it (lifelong struggle) 
Family and Faith
  1. Bring back Easter Brunch (or maybe have Easter dinner)
  2. Family Meeting once a month (for people who live here)
  3. Go to church in person when J isn’t playing (I usually watch online)
  4. Continue to pray and be more intentional about it
  5. Plan some time to be together (outside of holidays) each season
Relationships and Random Stuff
  1. Go on 4 trips (one each season!)
  2. Blog at least 3 times a week
  3. Date night once a month
  4. Listen and laugh more
  5. Clean and organize basement


So that’s my 25 for the year, we’ll see what happens but at least I have a little something to strive toward! Back tomorrow (hopefully) with my word for the year. I’m still pondering on it a bit.

What’s on your list for this new year of 2025?


4 Replies to “Twenty Five for 2025”

  1. I enjoyed reading your list, I always love a list… all the best with your plans and Happy New Year. I don’t really do New Year Resolutions as such. I just want to be more intentional, more present, less scrolling, To knit/crochet more, to read, bake and walk more x

    1. Thank you! It’s funny but I could almost make an entirely different list today with some things the same and some different. I love the idea of just being more intentional and more present. I think we could all benefit from that and the less scrolling! Happy Weekend!

  2. I love how you broke down the “25” into fifths for categories. I may have to rethink that to make more progress myself! You are correct though that just being present and intentional counts!.

    1. It was kind of fun to do it that way but in a way, I found it a little harder instead of just brainstorming 25 things.
