What Was I Saying Yesterday

What was I saying yesterday about the weather not cooperating for my winter appreciation project?

We went from beautiful weather for our Galentine’s dinner on the Country Club Plaza:

(I was excited the lights were still on, usually they turn them off in late January)

To waking up to 2 inches of snow and a snow day for the public schools:

(Chelsey’s little cat prints in the snow, silly cat went outside this morning. It’s not very cold though just a thick, wet snow falling after overnight rain)

Busy Week Just Gets Busier

My work hours increased this week. Yesterday morning, I covered for an early morning teacher who’d just lost her grandfather. Thankfully, another sub came in soon to relieve me so I could finish preparations for my husband’s birthday.

In the midst of baking his cake, I had to run to the grocery store as I’d run out of shortening. Usually just buy a small tub but of course, the store only had the large ones. Is it me or are stores out of the most random things ever since the COVID shortages? Oh well, as I told the other shopper, perhaps lots of pies in our future!  I typically only use shortening for this family birthday cake and pie crust. My mom used it to fry chicken if I recall correctly. Maybe I’ll be brave.

And moving on to today, no snow day for me and now I’m working starting at 9:30 instead of noon. Downside of working at a small private school, pretty much not going to get a snow day unless it’s a snow armageddon out there. Or maybe ice. Even then, the odds are slim.

Time to go see if the car fairies cleared my car of the snow. What car fairies, Jean? Exactly. Hope you all have a great Thursday!


day 39/365


6 Replies to “What Was I Saying Yesterday”

  1. Welcome to life on the regular in the northwoods with crazy weather. It’s so funny that 2 inches down there is a snow day. It takes us easily triple that or more to get a snow day up here. Lol
    I’m with you that it does seem like they’re out of random things in the stores. It gets frustrating.
    I did a get to know you post the other day if you want to check it out! 😉
    Blessings xoox

    1. I don’t think the 2 inches was the issue so much as the rain underneath/they didn’t treat the roads as it wasn’t supposed to snow. Of course, we do get lots more snow days down this way 😉 I’m looking forward to coming around to visit and properly commenting on everyone’s posts either tonight or tomorrow. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Yes! The strange things we can no longer find since Covid is weird! We literally cannot buy pasta shells…like for stuffed shells?!?! Hope your cake turned out beautifully and delicious!!!!

    1. So, it’s not just here with the odd things that are randomly/suddenly out of stock. Really hoping things do eventually return to complete normal. Cake did at least turn out good, thanks! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

    1. They didn’t show. Snow is pretty much all melted now, our weather is so strange. Thank you, I think he had a good birthday! Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Hoping to get around and visit blogs later tonight or tomorrow 🙂
