When Nature Calls…

My husband went today to get his SD card from a trail cam on his hunting land. He had an unexpected couple of days off. Of course, he asked if I wanted to go. And I did except I had to work this afternoon.

So, planned to just stay here and clean, maybe run a few early morning errands. Then, I stepped outside. And I knew I needed to be in nature for a bit if only locally. It was so nice out this morning.

What errands? Off to a local nature center for a walk. Last fall I took many walks here. I’d drop J off at school and then since I was so close, go on a walk. Why do I feel I need a reason to go walk there during the mornings? I have no idea and I need to get back to those walks.

My timing was good as I wasn’t first and some lovely soul had cleared quite a few spiderwebs for me. So I could enjoy the sights a little better. I zoomed way in to the top of a tree to try and figure out these birds, never quite managed it.

However, I didn’t have to crane my neck to see this woodpecker.

Or these geese blocking the walking path.

I could’ve walked through them instead of over to a fishing spot but I’d have missed this guy at the edge of the water.

Uh, is there a question in this post? Yes. Where do you like to walk? Is it in a city or suburban area or more out of the way? Ever skip your errands and go do something entirely different? Do you have a set errand day? Did you run any errands today? What’d you do?


My answers: Since we live in the suburbs of KC, most places I go to walk are pretty much in the suburbs. However, this area has some very nice nature centers that can make it feel like you are far from civilization even as you hear the outdoor gym class of the local middle school.

Clearly I skipped out on my errands today. Lucky enough to have a schedule that I don’t need a set errand day. I do like to grocery shop on Mondays though.

Turns out one of my errands was fairly important and so I did stop and fill my car with gas on the way home from the nature center. I’d had enough walking for one day, ha!





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