Tagged this post with week in review as well as Five on Friday but I honestly can’t remember much about the past week. Ever have weeks like that? Where it just seems a bit like a blur? And I wasn’t even really all that busy.
Maybe I’ll blame it on Wednesday’s weather! Monday and Tuesday were just normal days at home (I think). I do know I stayed up too late watching tv on Tuesday night knowing I had to be at work at 7:30 in the morning on Wednesday. Possibly making a few jokes to the boys about our crazy winds being caused by a certain blowhard. You can read about Wednesday (mostly a work day) in the post I linked.
Yesterday was another working day. A long unplanned one where I worked 9:15 to 6. Mostly good until the end of the day. Kids were (mostly) fun anyway. The end of the day stuff was 100% not kid related. And I did feel loved starting my day as the teacher I work with a lot, called me in a panic as I pulled into the parking lot. She thought the shift I covered started at 9 and was worried because “you are never late!” Oh my, if she only knew the Jean from the 1990’s who was always late. Of course, that me had a very different job she didn’t like much. Lots of sweet hugs and hellos from the kids to start my day as well.
And now, we’ve made it to FriYAY! Here’s how I’m planning to spend this warmer weekend:
ONE: Outside Yard Work
Hey, look what I saw in the corner of the driveway this morning! I noticed the buds as I left for work yesterday and today, flowers! I pushed away the dead leaves to get a good photo of the flowers. And in doing so, saw lots of green shoots. Raking away the leaves from the flower beds is on the weekend agenda. I’ll give them another week before I mulch them up with mower (needs to dry up a bit anyway).
Not quite time to dig holes (unless you’re a mole, very happy in our yard, ugh) but some calendar wisdom here:
TWO: Finally, Take A Walk
Blue skies, not quite as windy, and better temperatures mean I definitely plan to get out there and go on a trail somewhere along with my “real” camera. I do have to consider the mud but I know some places with mostly paved trails.
THREE: Household Chores
Figuring out what to do with a panic buy of 10 pounds of sugar is on the list. We were out and I was worried about prices. I knew we’d use it (hummingbirds go through a lot of sugar water in the summer!) but didn’t think through the storage. SIGH. Or I could bake lots of batches of chocolate chip cookies? Hmmm…
Also, need to do the usual clean ups around the house and water plants. My poor plants in for the winter are barely hanging in there. So ready to move them outside where they thrive.
FOUR: Bookstore Visit and a Spring Break Planning
I finished this last night so my older son and I could go see the movie. It opens today. Of course, he’s busy all weekend so we’ll probably make plans to go see it during spring break (week after next). This weekend, I’d like to perhaps visit a bookstore and just browse, maybe pick up a couple books to add to our collections. Also, this book apparently has a sequel.
FIVE: A Few Random Things
First housekeeping: I tried a new hot chocolate this morning. Pretty basic but I like it.
For the record, I mixed it with my coffee and added a bit of milk. It’s not quite the same flavors as the Starbucks Caramel Macchiato but close enough for me.
Sadly, I think it may be time to call it on the day after Valentine’s Day flowers. Maybe I’ll keep these until the end of the weekend. Will I replace them? Not sure. Happy to have outdoor flowers again and a local garden center just opened back up for the season, so maybe I’ll see if they might have hanging baskets of pansies yet. Ending this post with a close-up of the cheerful yellow crocus:
What are your weekend plans? Also, don’t forget to go check out The Friday Catch-Up (new name, I like it!) over at My Creative Life.