Hawk in the Backyard!

Keeping this short. However, I did want to make sure and share a few photos I took of the Cooper’s Hawk hanging out in the backyard on Thursday afternoon.

A robin was shrieking a warning for all the local song birds to be alert!

A cardinal was wary but not too worried. I thought that a bit odd. It kept it’s distance but didn’t stay out of sight. Maybe it was just staying out of range?

The hawk eyed me suspiciously and with not a little annoyance. I think I was making the hunting a bit more hindered tromping about with my camera.


2 Replies to “Hawk in the Backyard!”

    1. Thank you! I saw it again yesterday in the early evening but further back in another neighbor’s backyard, looked like it had captured a sparrow (yikes but the hawk has to eat as well). Hope you have a wonderful week!
