Happy Homemaker Monday, Workin’ For A Livin’

So much for scheduling a few posts last week. Maybe I’ll do better this week. After, I figure out exactly where my weekend went?

Right now, I’m just glad to have some photos to go along with my posting. As I was coming down here to write my post, I dropped the camera SD card under the basement steps. Not a great place for it to land. Or for me to really want to search. It’s not exactly a finished basement down here. However, I found it so hooray for pictures with the post! Not too many though as now the computer is acting up. Always something.

Writing this on Sunday night because I do indeed work every single day again this week. So, I’ll be linking up later tomorrow afternoon or evening with Sandra, our host, over at Diary Of A Stay At Home Mom.

The Weather

We’ve had a bit of a rainy weekend after a super hot Friday (100 degree heat index). Right now it feels like fall out there, 69 degrees with a light mist falling. After a hot and humid week, it actually (dare I say it as a summer lover) feels kind of good. Supposed to be a bit cooler early this week and then gradually heat back up to proper summer weather where it’s in the upper 80’s and 90’s.

How I’m Feeling Right Now

A bit scatterbrained. I can’t believe it’s already Sunday evening. Seems as though the weekend just started but no, it’s already ending. Lots of projects on my mind for when I’m off work again.

On The Breakfast Plate

Unusual but I did not eat breakfast today (however, I still drank my coffee!). Tomorrow, I’ll have the usual Chobani Flip yogurt.

On My Reading Pile

I did finish the Magic of Found Objects by Maddie Dawson last week. I usually love her books but for some reason this one wasn’t quite as good as previous books, I thought.  Probably going to read a book of short stories by James Rollins this week as I think my library books might all be due back very soon.

On My TV

Not a lot of TV watching happening. Did watch the latest Loki episode. And yesterday while folding laundry, I watched Into the Heights on HBO Max. Watching it was J’s suggestion, “even if it’s bad, maybe the music will be good” It was all around good, I really enjoyed it. Note: the teenager suggested it but did not watch it with me. Probably because I was folding laundry, ha!

On The Menu

Trying for simple again this week!

MONDAY: hot dogs on the grill, chips, watermelon (or if I feel like doing “real” cooking, we’ll have the 20 min turkey sausage and zucchini skillet) *J has a baritone lesson at 6:30* *I work 8-4:30*

TUESDAY: Pepper steak, rice *I work 8-4:30*

WEDNESDAY: Maybe minestrone? I’ve been craving it. Might move it to Monday. *I work 8-4:30*

THURSDAY: Pork chops and potatoes *I work 8-4:30*

FRIDAY: Homemade Pizza, salad *I work 8-4:30*

On My To Do List

  1. Make a list of the things I want to do when I’m off work (house chores, cleaning and clearing out)
  2. Mow the lawn
  3. Mail nephew a birthday card
  4. Enroll J for next year
  5. Organize upstairs freezer (somehow it’s a mess again)
  6. Motivate G to go through his things so we can sort furniture out of our living room

From The Camera


Looking Around The House

See #6 on to do list. G’s stuff is still in living room. We’ve all been busy but it’s starting to bug me a bit more.

To Relax This Week I Will

Read my books, pick up the camera, have a cup of tea (either hot or cold with lemonade added)

Something To Share

I really don’t know why this old 80’s tune popped into my head when I started my post. However, here it is:

On My Prayer List

Friends who’ve lost loved ones very recently, our next door neighbor who is in poor health and once again the hospital, family, near and far, and strangers.

Quote For The Week

If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.”
― William Ewart Gladstone


8 Replies to “Happy Homemaker Monday, Workin’ For A Livin’”

  1. LMBO as many “old” tunes have been popping into my head lately too and now I have yours stuck in the forefront 😀 I LOVE your pictures this week – purple is my favorite color and that first picture in particular is speaking to me.
    Tamy recently posted…CHICKEN THIGH FRICASSEEMy Profile

    1. Here I am late with my comment replies once again! Sorry to be so slow, after next week I should do better. Thank you. Hope you had a fantastic week and weekend. Happy New Week!

    1. Yes, I’m glad I found it as well! And that it wasn’t in as disgusting a place as it could’ve been down here, LOL. Thank you! Sorry to be so late replying to comments this week. Hope you’ve had a great week and weekend.

    1. Thank you! Well, I don’t mind a small preview of the fall temperatures but I stand by my love of all things summer. Sorry for the late reply once again. Hope you had a wonderful week and are gearing up for a great new week!

  2. You really did have a rough start to beginning your post. Lol But I’m glad you found your card – lovely photos! And I hear ya how after really hot weather the cool feels nice. We typically don’t get really hot up here, but when we do it’s usually with a lot of humidity too. Which I hate! (and my arthritis does too, Lol).
    Your plans for rest time sound lovely. Prayers for all of your intentions! xo
    Carrie@northwoods scrapbook recently posted…Happy Homemaker MondayMy Profile

    1. Thank you! Humidity is just part of summer around here. I’m surprised you don’t have more humidity up there with the big lake around, maybe it keeps things cooler though. Sorry to be so late with my comment replies. After next week, I’m hoping things might slow down a bit. Hope you had a great week and weekend!
