Watching, Reading, and Doing

Happy Wednesday! Thought I’d just pop on here and share what I’m watching, reading, and doing this week.


Believe it or not, I’ve not had the TV on much this week. Well, actually that’s not true. I guess I should say I’ve not watched too much of anything specific or planned on the TV. The past two days I’ve left the TV on as ambient background noise. Keeping an eye or ear rather on the news.  Yesterday, I watched a bit of Live with Kelly and Ryan as well as a snippet of the Wendy Williams show.

And of course, last night I watched the season premiere of Prodigal Son. So good! Wish I could get my husband to watch that one with me. After watching season 1 of the series and the premiere last night, I’m convinced The Walking Dead wasted Tom Payne’s acting ability. And Michael Sheen is so fun as a serial killer. Really, I’ve not seen a more perfectly cast drama series in a long time. Will someone please watch this show with me?

When I’m not watching TV (really I’m listening to it more than watching), I’m looking at the birds out the back door. I’ll share more about my birds on Saturday like usual. However, I’m happy to report the score so far: New Birdfeeder: 2 Squirrels: 0.  Chickadees were first to embrace the new feeder, followed oddly, by the red-bellied woodpecker!

What are you watching lately? Or are you doing more reading?


I’ve not glanced at either of the books I mentioned struggling to read on Monday at all this week. However, I did download Tuscan Dreams at the Cornish Confetti Agency and started reading it at J’s lesson and a bit in the afternoons.

Mostly, I have been glancing at my magazines. I get the HGTV magazine and stumbled across an IKEA desk from the cover I want for my reading nook corner of our bedroom.

Also, not sure if it counts as reading, looking at blogs and Pinterest. Seem to have the home décor bug. Think it might be a January thing? Anyway, I’m a bit obsessed with the Scandinavian style lately and this blog in particular. Trying to figure out how to convince my husband we need to go this direction in our ever on-going bedroom remodel.

So when I’m not watching TV or pretending scrolling through Pinterest counts as reading, what am I doing?


Honestly, not that much. Trying to over-see J’s on-line schooling. That’s going about as well as I expected. Still searching for balance. And completely fed up with these teenagers and their bizarre sleep schedules. Trying to not bristle too much at my husband’s random suggestions when he’s happily off at work and I’m turning down work to be here and oversee things.

In less gripey news, I’ve been working on my little corner nook area of our bedroom. Can’t do much as the walls and floors aren’t quite complete. However, I can dream. And clear out a bit of clutter, the usual January stuff. A trip to drop off at the thrift store should happen today.

Cooking dinners with mixed results. Tonight, however, we’ll eat leftovers instead of what I planned. Choices of taco meat (from Saturday), chicken legs, sausage & vegetables, or a battle over one porkchop with turnips. Funny note: White wine vinegar is not the best substitution for white cooking wine. My cooking level of experience remains “medium.”

In homage to my word of the year, I plan to spend today simply doing one chore in each room of the house and without hurry or worry.  Thankful for today’s nice weather, I’ll be attending a fire pit meeting with friends later. Though I’ll bundle up in layers as the temperature drops quickly in January (any month) once night arrives.

What things have you been doing this week?





4 Replies to “Watching, Reading, and Doing”

  1. Girl, I feel you on the teenage thing. Things are so out of cohorts right now it’s not even funny. I think today’s generation of kids have so much more stress, anxiety and depression than I ever have seen. I don’t remember this much going on when I was a teenager. Some kids handle things differently. Our oldest son stayed away from things that caused drama and such in school. He was and is a laid back guy. Our youngest who is a sr this year always gets caught up in drama and it effects him personally. I cough alot of this up to internet and social media.
    There is days we can have a conversation with our teenager and some days you can’t talk to him because of his mood. 🙄

    1. Yes, I agree things are so different now and then throw in a global pandemic! Honestly, I doubt I’d have done very well with on-line schooling myself. I’m lucky both my kids tend to shy away from the drama (mostly, my oldest probably used to get a tad more involved within his own friend groups, usually in an attempt to mend fences). However, they are both so very different. Always interesting to see what the mood of the day is going to be, isn’t it? And tiring! Hope you’re having a drama free/good mood Thursday so far 🙂

  2. Just thinking about home schooling teenagers (or indeed living with them during a pandemic) makes me grateful to be a great-grandmother whose former teenagers are obviously older than you are! (They are , by the way, all fine upstanding lovely people, those middle-aged children of mine. And really they weren’t bad teenagers either. It’s just the age! I feel for you!).
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    1. Some days are definitely better than others. My teenagers aren’t really that bad, it’s the oddness of last year and this year, gets to us all, I’m sure. Hope you’re having a great start to the weekend!
